Popular Vote: Biden had more than 81 million votes to Trump’s 74 million.

Electoral College: Biden won 306 votes, while Trump won 232

Belief: Trump Cult members reside in an alternate reality where research, facts proof, and the truth do not exist. As a result, approximately 60% of Republicans believe Trump won the election. How scary is that?

If you’re like me, and you get in a discussion or a debate with Trump Cult members, this article will provide all the facts you need to argue, there is literally zero evidence of mass election fraud. Keep in mind, because of our archaic electoral college system, the only states which matter are the so-called swing states.

Unfortunately, when you present facts to a Trump Cult member, they will automatically reject the documented facts your present. They will call them Fake News. Please be advised, there’s nothing you can do about that.


Arizona: The Trump Ninjas spent 6 months recounting the ballots, trying to prove Trump won the state. In the end, they learned Biden actually had 306 more votes than he was originally given credit for.

Georgia: There was 1 manual and 2 computer recounts. Each one revealed Biden won Georgia by more than 12,000 votes.

Michigan:  In Michigan, a committee led by Republican state senators, conducted a one-month investigation and concluded there was no widespread or systematic fraud during the 2020 election. Biden defeated Trump in Michigan by almost 155,000 votes.

Nevada: Then secretary of state, Republican Barbara Cegavske, and her office reviewed thousands of Nevada Republican allegations of voter fraud, but found almost all were based on incomplete information and a lack of understanding of the state’s voting and registration procedures.

For example, Cegavske’s investigation found that of 1,506 alleged instances of ballots being cast in the name of deceased individuals, only 10 warranted further investigation by law enforcement. Similarly, just 10 out of 1,778 allegations of double voting called for further investigation.

Biden won Nevada by 33,596 votes.

Pennsylvania: The final certified results revealed Biden won the state with an 80,555 vote margin over Trump.

Wisconsin:  A recount actually increased Biden’s lead over Trump by 87 votes. Biden won the state by 20,682 votes. A nonpartisan audit did not uncover evidence of widespread voter fraud in the state, leaving the Republican co-chair of the audit committee to declare, the election was safe and secure.

AP INVESTIGATION: The Associated Press conducted an exhaustive investigation in the swing states. In 2021, they found fewer than 475 cases of voter fraud across 6 battleground states.  That is nowhere near the magnitude required to sway the outcome of the presidential election.

I think the following conclusion by the AP is very revealing.

The review of ballots and records from more than 300 local elections found that almost every instance of voter fraud was committed by individuals acting alone, the characters were not part of a massive, coordinated conspiracy to rig the election. The cases involved both registered Democrats and Republicans, and the culprits were almost always caught before the fraudulent ballot was counted.

The AP review also produced no evidence to support Trump’s claims that states tabulated more votes than there are registered voters.

Biden won Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and their 79 Electoral College votes by a combined 311,257 votes out of 25.5 million ballots cast. The disputed ballots represent just 0.15% of his victory margin in those states.


Trump was repeatedly advised by members of his own administration, including his attorney general, there was no evidence of widespread fraud.

The federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued a statement saying, The November 2020 election was the most secure in American history. The statement was written by the groups representing the top election officials in every state.

The January 6th House Committee Report

They cited numerous instances where administration officials and White House staff refuted Trump’s various allegations of voter fraud.


There were 60-62 Court Cases initiated by Trump’s attorneys. In every case, the court rejected bogus claims from Trump’s attorneys, Sydney Powell and Rudy G, who produced zero evidence. Many of those cases were handled by judges who were appointed by Trump.

  • Rudy G. had his license to practice law suspended because he brought so many cases with zero evidence.
  • Sydney Powell said in a court of law, “No reasonable person” would conclude her unfounded claims of massive voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election were statements of fact.”

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected several efforts during the weeks after the election to overturn the election results in several battleground states which Biden won.

Voting Machine Allegations

Fox settled a $1.7 BILLION lawsuit from Dominion Voting Machines for $787 Million. We learned several important facts as a result of the lawsuit.

  • There wasn’t a single, documented case of voting machine fraud.
  • We learned from Dominion, that even if someone tried to change a vote for Trump to Biden, it could not be done.
  • Numerous emails from Fox TV personalities revealed they knew the network was making up LIES about voter fraud.

Claims Involving Suitcases and Ballot Mules are Debunked

Trump and his supporters claimed that a number of other factors contributed to a broader effort to steal the presidential election. One theory advanced by both Trump and one of his lawyers, Rudy Giuliani, is that suitcases full of fraudulent ballots in Georgia cost Trump the election in the state.

Then-Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen told the January 6 House Committee that he personally reviewed the video purported to show the fraud allegation in question. He recounted telling Trump: “It wasn’t a suitcase. It was a bin. That’s what they use when they’re counting ballots. It’s what we use to store and count the ballots.

State and county officials also confirmed the containers were regular ballot containers on wheels, which are used in normal ballot processing.

But a week later, Trump publicly repeated the suitcase theory, saying, “There is security camera footage from Georgia that shows officials telling poll watchers to leave the room before pulling suitcases of ballots out from under the tables and continuing to count for hours.”

Richard Donoghue, the former acting deputy attorney general, told the Jan. 6 committee, he told Trump, “these allegations about ballots being smuggled in in a suitcase and run through the machine several times were not true. We watched the video, we interviewed the witnesses.” But Trump continued to repeat the false claim.”

Another debunked claim was the tale of 2,000 so-called ballot mules, which was featured in a film that was shown in hundreds of theaters. The film alleges that Democrat-aligned individuals were paid to illegally collect and drop ballots in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. But the AP determined that the allegations were based on a seriously flawed analysis of cellphone location data and drop box surveillance footage.

Personal Comments

In my experience with Trump Cult members, all of them essentially describe Democrats as incompetent buffoons, who can’t do anything right. But when I asked them the following question, I never once received an answer.

How did those incompetent buffoons become so smart and efficient on election day? If you believe Trump won the election, that means the incompetent Democrats totally outsmarted Republican controlled legislatures in all the swing states on election day. The Dems were so brilliant, they didn’t leave a single trace of evidence behind.

How could incompetent buffoons, who can’t do anything right, suddenly become so effective, efficient, and competent?


The bulk of the facts listed above were taken from the following article:

Trump’s drumbeat of lies about the 2020 election keeps getting louder. Here are the facts (msn.com)