2020 Presidential Election Analysis

As I’m writing this article on Sunday November 22nd, Joe Biden has almost 80 Million Votes while Trump has almost 74 Million. That’s a 6 million vote advantage, which is more than twice as much as Hillary beat Trump in 2016. In the electoral college, it’s a landslide victory as Joe Bide has 306 Electoral College votes to Trump’s 232. That is a significant 74 vote margin in favor of Biden. However, in the alternate reality of Trump World, they are describing this as a close election. Unbelievable!

The most terrifying aspect of this election is not Trump’s refusal to acknowledge his loss, it’s fact that Republicans support Trump 100% with his baseless allegations of fraud and abuse. In Michigan, Republicans refused to validate the votes from Wayne County, which includes Detroit and is predominantly black. They are acting as if this is 1960 and we are in the deep south states of Mississippi and Alabama where blacks routinely lost their right to vote. This is disgusting, and except for Mitt Romney, nobody in the Republican party is standing up to this horrific attack on our democracy.

Trump lost the key battleground states Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia because of the black vote. Arizona was close, and in my opinion, Trump lost that red state because of his repeated brutal attacks on war hero John McCain. Once again, nobody in the Republican Party stood up to Trump for his disgusting comments about the man.

Another big factor was the number of longtime Republican moderates who voted for Biden. They are people who put country before party [Lincoln Project] and I have tremendous respect for them. I saw a preliminary number, but I have no confidence in the accuracy. The article said 4% of Republicans voted for Hillary in 2016, but that number rose to 11% this year who voted for Biden.  That may not sound like a huge shift, but it is, especially in the suburbs of large cities. On the downside, almost 74 million people voted for a man who is:

  • A pathological liar
  • Someone who insults everyone who disagrees with him or criticizes him seven days a week
  • A man who surrounded himself with Convicted Felons
  • No Healthcare plan, which is the number one priority for many voters
  • A man who broke his promise for a major infrastructure upgrade
  • Record Budget and Trade Deficits
  • He became Vladimir’s puppet, fulfilling the role of a “Useful Idiot” for the Russians
  • His trade war severely damaged many American farmers
  • His non-stop attacks on the FBI and his takeover of the Justice Department were a blow to democracy
  • A man who never came close to fulfilling his promise of a great health insurance plan. There was no plan and he tried to destroy Obamacare.
  • As for Covid-19, Trump was a national disgrace. So far, over a quarter of a million Americans died and there are over 11 million Covid-19 cases. Here’s what Trump did for this national pandemic
    • The virus is a Democratic hoax
    • The virus is under “Tremendous Control”
    • Everything will return to normal by Easter Sunday
    • Inject BLEACH as a prevention measure for Covid-19
    • If you get the virus, take hydroxychloroquine
    • Instead of being a common sense, health & safety logical approach to the pandemic, Trump turned wearing a mask into a constitutional personal freedom issue
    • COVID-19 will disappear the day after the election

Trump obviously ignored the science, turned the pandemic into a political issue, and instead of uniting Americans, he divided them by pitting his base against the rest of the country. Even worse, he cares far more about the stock market than so many people getting sick and/or dying.

I’m sure nobody outside of Trump World is surprised by his refusal to acknowledge the loss and his attempt to totally undermine our democracy. Watch carefully to see if any Republicans stand up and put the country and our democracy ahead of their blind loyalty to Donald Trump.