Trump was recently caught in yet another major lie, when he claimed the Arizona voting database was illegally deleted. The AZ Republican, who is the head of the election commission, was outraged by the allegation. He said the 180 people assigned to the commission, work hard and have integrity. He showed the existing voter database to reporters, which literally destroyed Trump’s newest LIE. Come on! Who could possibly be dumb enough to believe someone could delete the state’s voter database and nobody would notice? Only Trump supporters could believe such a stupid lie, and incredibly, they do.

If you’re someone who wants to see proof or evidence before you believe an allegation, you should be terrified at what’s happening in our country. Millions of Americans believe the election fraud allegations coming from the former President of the United States, whom rational people know is a pathological liar.

Let’s examine a number of facts which occurred after the election.

  • The votes in Georgia were counted 3 different times and there were no significant discrepancies.
  • The votes in AZ were counted twice and there were no significant discrepancies.
  • Sydney Powell and Rudy G. lost all 64 court cases, many of them presided over by judges whom Trump appointed. Why did they lose every case? Because when they were no longer in front of the TV cameras and were required to provide evidence of mass voter fraud, they produced ZERO EVIDENCE.
  • Sydney Powell, Trump’s attorney, recently said the following in a court of law. The voter fraud allegations were a BIG LIE. Who could possibly be dumb enough to believe it.

For any rational human being, the above would be far more than adequate to move on with their lives and disregard the big lie. Yet in Trump World, despite zero evidence, they continue to believe one of the biggest conspiracy theories of modern life. And I mean zero, not some evidence. It gets even scarier as Republicans are implementing policies around the country, based upon a false premise.

Let’s examine what happened from another perspective. And that perspective is someone who idolizes Trump and believes every one of his lies. For a moment, pretend you are one of them. You would have to acknowledge that the Democrats, whom Trump and his supporters routinely describe as bumbling, fumbling, incompetent buffoons, suddenly managed to secretly and efficiently organize and carry out their strategy of changing millions of votes in a national election. How did they magically become so skilled? If the Democrats suddenly becoming super-efficient and incredibly organized wasn’t farfetched enough, they haven’t found a single person who admitted they participated in a scheme to change votes from Trump to Biden.

Please allow me to repeat my question. If one believes the election fraud story, how did every single Democrat across the country, who participated in the scheme, remain silent? That never happens.

Let’s examine some other aspects of the 2020 election. In every one of the states Trump and his supporters complained about massive voter fraud by the Democrats, the election process was controlled by REPUBLICAN state legislators.

But if the facts outlined above aren’t enough, please answer the following two questions.
1. If the Dems magically controlled the ballot boxes, how did Trump manage to get 11 million more votes in 2020 than he received in the 2016 election? As an aside, Biden won the election by more than 7 Million votes.
2. If the Democrats somehow skillfully and secretly manipulated millions of votes, how did so many House Republicans and Senate Republicans surprise everyone by getting elected or re-elected in 2020? There were a number of Republican House and Senate candidates, who won despite the polls predicting they would lose by a significant margin.
3. Why is Trump claiming voter fraud only in the states he lost?

Obviously, requiring proof or evidence is no longer a component of being a modern-day Republican. As a result, you will see polices implemented in Republican controlled state legislatures across the country, only because the former pathological liar in the White House claims something happened. America and our democracy are in big trouble.