Our country is in a state of crisis, with the Constitution and our Democracy under attack by millions of “virtually all white” Americans, who believe they are victims of a conspiracy to destroy their culture and what they believe makes America great. Unfortunately, they reside in an alternate reality, where facts and the truth are irrelevant.

They are addicted to the Fox Propaganda Network, which repeatedly pushes a formula used by Hitler in the 1930s. Instead of blaming the Jews for our problems, Fox blames Liberals and Democrats, who are no longer the loyal opposition with a different political philosophy. Thanks to Fox, liberals and Democrats are now seen as “THE ENEMY” of real Americans, who perceive them as many Germans perceived Jews.

If Liberals and Democrats are the Enemy, that justifies the use of violence against them. Hence, we saw a vicious attack on the symbol of American Democracy, the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6th.  I’m convinced that every member participating in that assault on the symbol of our Democracy, perceived themselves as loyal patriots, trying to take down the enemies of America.

I want to point out that having a conservative news broadcasting company is a good thing. The key point one should understand is the following: Fox is not a news network. Their sole purpose is pushing propaganda and bogus conspiracy theories on their low IQ viewers.

In the minds of many, Trump was sent here by god to save America. Saving America, or making America Great Again are code words for restoring the power and privilege of white people, and what they perceive as their precious Christian values. The real irony is they perceive themselves as patriots, yet they are dedicated to supporting a man whose hero and idol is Vladimir Putin. Yes, Trump wants to become the equivalent of Vladimir in America, a dictator with no respect for the “Rule of Law”. Incredibly, the Republican party supports his goal of becoming America’s first dictator.

In order to fully comprehend what Fox has accomplished, one must understand that Trump supporters make up the largest cult in American history. In fact, they are the largest cult since Hitler took power in Germany during the 1030s. If you want to understand the behavior and thoughts of Trump Cult members, never utilize logic, because that will only serve to confuse you. One must understand that applying logic does not resonate in their world. Here are some pointers which should help you understand cult behavior and why Trump is an icon to millions of Americans.

  • Members can never question or challenge their Supreme Leader.
  • Members cannot criticize their supreme leader
  • The Supreme Leader is always right!
  • When non-cult members use facts and evidence to disprove their beliefs, that actually reinforces their irrational, unsupported beliefs.
  • Cult members take any criticism of their Supreme Leader personally.

As mentioned above, they reside in an Alternate Reality where facts, evidence, logic, and the truth are irrelevant. That alternate reality is fully supported and pounded into their viewers by the Fox Propaganda Network. Their perception of Hillary is a perfect example, illustrating the mind set of Trump Supporters, who never require evidence or proof to support their beliefs.

Over the past 15 years or so, Republicans [not Democrats] have investigated Hillary multiple times. The last one was a 2-year investigation by Trump Attorney General Barr, who found no criminal acts on her part. Despite numerous investigations conducted by Republicans, revealing zero evidence against Hillary, Trump supporters still believe she’s a criminal and chant “Lock Her Up”.

As incredible as it may seem to an intelligent person, here are some of the things many fox viewers [Trump Supporters] actually believe.

  • CRT is a major threat to America. Even worse, they do not understand CRT, but Fox pounds this concept of CRT being a threat to their view of our country every week.
  • WRT [White Replacement Theory]: This thought strikes terror in their minds and is the issue at the heart of everything Fox pounds into them every day of the week. Fox viewers, who are almost all white, are obsessed with this concept.
  • Despite presenting zero evidence, and Trump’s attorneys losing all 62 court cases, many of them presided over by Trump court appointees, the overwhelming majority of Republicans incredibly believe Trump won the election. What?
  • For just a moment, ignore the total lack of evidence and use common sense and logic. Every Trump supporter I know says Democrats are stupid, incompetent buffoons. There are times when I completely agree with that statement. But think about the implications of their perspective. Trump supporters claim Democrats are dumb and incompetent, but on election day, they suddenly turned into brilliant, stealth like technicians, who totally outsmarted Republican controlled legislatures. As a result of that incredibly transformation on election day, they stole the election. I don’t think so!
  • Remember, cult members never require proof or evidence. If you weren’t scared before, this should rock your foundation.
  • The FBI is America’s elite law enforcement agency, yet Trump supporters are convinced the FBI is corrupt. Meanwhile, they dedicate themselves to a Pathological Liar, a crime boss, and con man who surrounds himself with an array of Felons. Incredibly, they see nothing wrong with that stark contrast.
  • Many of them believe the government is using the Covid-19 vaccine to imbed a computer chip in them.
  • Anytime a black person is appointed to an important government position, the all-white Republican Party describes it as an “Affirmative Action” This happened with Supreme Court nominee K. Jackson, who was actually the most qualified nominee in years. She graduated from Harvard and then obtained her law degree at Harvard Law School. She presided over hundreds of cases, which gave her far more experience than any previous nominee in recent years.
  • Many of them believe the January sixth assault on the U.S. Capitol and the U.S. Capitol Police was actually organized and planned by the FBI. Yes, many Trump supporters actually believe this.
  • They believe members of ANTIFA and/or BLM were posing as Trump supporters on January 6th. Did you see any black people rioting? By the way, ANTIFA is a creation of Fox, it does not exist. But that doesn’t stop members of Trump World repeatedly blaming ANTIFA for violent actions.
  • Remember, facts, proof, and evidence are irrelevant in their world.
  • The January sixth assault on the U.S. Capitol and the U.S. Capitol Police was not an assault, but people protesting peacefully. They believe this despite watching thousands of rioters battling against the U.S. Capitol Police.
  • More than 816 rioters were charged with federal crimes.
  • Over 140 Capitol Police Officers were injured
  • Despite all of the above, right wing propaganda experts are re-writing history, telling them what they saw did not happen.
  • Trump supporters somehow believe their right to free speech has been taking away. Of course, if you ask for specific examples, they cannot provide them.
  • Many right-wing state legislatures are writing new laws, under the phony guise of “Voter ID Laws”, which will give legislatures the right and ability to overturn the results of an election, which they do not like. If this doesn’t scare you, nothing will.
  • They believe common sense gun control measures such as “Universal Background Checks”, are a violation of their second amendment rights.
  • Republicans are always angry about poor women having babies which wind up on welfare and/or turn into criminals. They are too stupid to realize that doing away with abortion will result in thousands of unwanted babies being born every year, with many of them possibly going on welfare.
  • Republicans are so dumb they oppose the “Morning after Pill” and other forms of contraception. Hello! If you want to stop thousands of unwanted births, you should be giving away the “Morning After Pill”.
  • Many of them do not believe in “Evolution”.
  • They believe “Climate Change is a Hoax”. This is another example of how they do not understand science. They automatically oppose any proposed bills which want to ensure we have clean water and air. What is wrong with them?
  • Liz Cheney, who has the most conservative voting record in Congress, is a pariah in their party, because she placed the Constitution and our Democracy ahead of the criminal behavior of Donald Trump. Liz Cheney recently said, “If our generation does not stand for truth, the rule of law and our Constitution, if we set aside our founding principles for the politics of the moment, the miracle of our constitutional republic will slip away.” We must not let that happen.”
  • Liz Cheney is a perfect example, illustrating how crazy and dangerous today’s Republican Party is. They don’t want anything to do with a congresswoman who places the constitution and our democracy ahead of loyalty to Trump in today’s pathetic version of the Republican Party.