Did you ever imagine the Republican Party would support, swear obedience to, and nominate someone for President who:

  • Is a Pathological Liar
  • Idolizes and Worships Vladimir Putin
  • Tells his cult members in the House to block aid to Ukraine so Vladimir can win the war.
  • Tells Vladimir it’s OK to invade certain NATO countries.
  • Trump wants to destroy NATO for Vladimir.
  • Trump is telling America he’s a FASCIST and he wants to become America’s first dictator.
  • Trump told America, that after he gets elected, he’s going to use the Justice Department to imprison his political opponents.
  • He told America he’s going to replace the Civil Service System with a Trump Loyalty program.
  • He will make his cabinet members swear loyalty to him instead of the Constitution.
  • He stole hundreds of Top Secret – Classified documents, probably so he can sell them to Vladimir.
  • He has 91 Criminal Felony Indictments.
  • Nazis and KKK members love him and the Republican Party. They go to Trump rallies with their swastikas and confederate flags. Despite this, there are Jewish and Black cult members who are so stupid, they are going to vote for Trump. What are they thinking? Obviously, they are not using logic or facts.

If this was a Hollywood movie it’s so absurd, you might walk out of the theater. But you must realize, this isn’t a movie. The danger is very real and it’s happening right before our eyes.

American Democracy, and our Constitution, will be demolished if Trump becomes our next President. We are essentially in the same place Germany was during the early 1930s when Hitler was trying to become the leader of Germany,

How can this possibly happen in America? The reason is obvious. The Alternate Reality of Trump World has become the largest cult since Hitler took power in the early 1930s.

In a cult, the primary job of cult members is to always protect and defend their supreme leader. He is never wrong, he is never held accountable for any wrongdoing, it’s always somebody else’s fault. Only members of a cult could possibly worship a thug, a liar, a crime boss, a criminal, a traitor, and the number one ally of Vladimir Putin.

It’s very important to understand that facts, logic, and the truth play no role in a cult. In the alternate reality of Trump World, research, facts, proof, evidence, and science are all classified as FAKE NEWS!

You have no idea how scary that is. That means you can never use facts, logic, science, or the truth when debating with a Trump Cult member. Their view of the world is so radically different from reality, you cannot believe how stupid and brainwashed they are. Here are some examples I know of because I deal with several Trump Cult members on a regular basis.

Trump Cult members believe:

  • The FBI is corrupt.
  • The Justice Department is corrupt.
  • Federal prosecutors are corrupt.
  • Federal judges are corrupt.

In their world, the only honest person is Comrade Trump. Incredibly, they believe Trump was sent here to save America. Yes, they say that despite the fact that Trump is Vladimir’s number one ally and he’s a big-time traitor and a criminal. But in their alternate reality, their view of Comrade Trump bears no resemblance to the real world.

In their alternate reality, Trump and white Christians are victims of a corrupt federal government, which targets white people.  Please keep in mind that the majority of people in the federal government are white Christians. But remember what I told you earlier, the use of logic is never part of cult behavior.

In essence, members of the cult believe Trump is their savior. They worship the man and will do anything he tells them.  Even though he’s a pathological liar, they believe every word he utters. For example, despite zero evidence produced in 3.5 years, over 2/3 of Republicans believe Trump won the 2020 election. How scary is that?

They are people who take pride in being a good Christian. Does anyone with an IQ over 50 believe Trump is a good Christian? Donald Trump is the complete opposite of their definition of a good Christian. He is a pathological liar, a traitor, a crime boss, a criminal, and the number one ally of Vladimir. Yes, all those so-called good Christians worship the man. Remember what I said about logic, it plays no role in a cult.

Trump’s base also perceive themselves as loyal Americans and call their group MAGA. But they support and worship a man who a traitor and the number one ally of Vladimir Putin. He wants Putin to win the Ukraine War and then invade several NATO countries. Is that going to make America great again? I don’t think so! They really should change their name to MRG [Make Russia Great].

In Germany, millions of decent people never took the threat of Hitler gaining power seriously, and we saw what happened to the world. I think millions of decent Americans are in a very similar state of mind. They don’t understand how much danger our country, and our democracy, is facing. They must do everything in their power to get people they know, out to vote.
President Biden must understand the threat Comrade Trump and the Republican Party poses. Today’s version of the Republican Party is nothing like the old party, where conservative principles guided their political philosophy.

Today’s Republican Party has abandoned all conservative principles and instead, they follow the direction and orders of Comrade Trump. It doesn’t matter what he tells them, they click their heels and obey. If that means abandoning Ukraine and NATO, they will do it.

Sounds just like Germany in the early 1930s, doesn’t it?