Republicans in 2024: Looks and Sounds Like Germany

If your eyes aren’t open, you are missing what is happening in America and the Republican Party. They have become the most dangerous and terrifying cult since Hitler took power in Germany. Even though there’s a lot more going on, this article will concentrate solely on one event, which clearly illustrates the striking similarities between Hitler and Trump.

You may not realize it, but we are witnessing many of the same dynamics which happened in the early 1930s in Germany, as the cult began to amass power and control of the country. In Germany, when you saw the Fuhrer, you clicked your heels, raised your right arm, and yelled, “Heil Hitler! Nobody dared defy the Fuhrer in any way, shape or fashion. Essentially the same thing is happening inside the Republican Party in the year 2024.

Remember what happened to Liz Cheney? She literally had the most conservative voting record in Congress. You couldn’t find a member of Congress who was more dedicated to conservative principles. However, Liz Cheney had the nerve to place the Constitution ahead of Comrade Trump and we saw what happened to her. She was destroyed by the Republican Party, she lost her re-election bid by massive numbers, and she became an enemy of the Cult.

It’s obvious Republican members in Congress saw what happened to Liz Cheney and don’t want to have a similar experience. They are paralyzed with fear about keeping their political power, so they know what they must do to avoid becoming an enemy of the cult. This group includes several well-known Republican Senators, who previously trashed Trump as a Presidential candidate. All of them essentially said he is not qualified to be President.

But in 2024, those same Republican Senators are singing a different song. Trump has essentially become the second coming of Adolph Hitler, trying to amass power in America later this year. Nobody is allowed to disagree with him, criticize him, or challenge anything he says or does. Is that an America we want? All Republican members of Congress must demonstrate fealty to Trump.

On June 13 2024, Senate Republicans met with Trump in the U.S. Capitol. Yes, that’s the same building where Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election results. During that meeting, every Republican Senator was kissing Trump’s ass at every opportunity. That was very interesting because several senators, who were kissing his ass, previously made very derogatory comments about Trump, telling America he was totally unqualified to be President.

Here are some examples:

Senator McConnell:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pointed his finger at President Donald Trump, saying he helped spur the attack on the Capitol by the outgoing president’s supporters.

The Kentucky Republican said on the Senate floor, “The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people.”

Senator Lindsay Graham:

Graham called Trump “a race baiting, xenophobic religious bigot.” He said, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is “as good a man as God ever created.”

Senator Ted Cruz:

  • Cruz called Trump a “sniveling coward”
  • Cruz called Trump a “big, loud New York bully”
  • Cruz said, “Trump is a small and petty man who is intimidated by strong women”
  • Cruz: called him a “pathological liar” who “lies with practically every word that comes out of his mouth”
  • Trump is “utterly amoral,” he said
  • Cruz still hadn’t forgiven Trump for the attacks on his family

Although she wasn’t present, let’s recall what Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley said about Trump.

  • In February 2016: “I will not stop until we fight a man that chooses not to disavow the K.K.K. That is not a part of our party. That is not who we are.”
  • January 12, 2021: Haley said of Trump, “We need to acknowledge he let us down. He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. We can’t let that ever happen again.” 
  • During her 2024 campaign, Nikki Haley said about her opponent. “The nation can’t survive another four years of the chaos that surrounds Trump.

Despite those horrible comments, Halley recently said she’s going to vote for him. What? Obviously, Nikki Haley sets very low standards for our next President. More importantly, she doesn’t want to become the next Liz Cheney.

If any members of the cult read this article, they will become outraged with me. Remember, nobody is allowed to criticize, disagree with, or challenge their supreme leader. If they do such, they will automatically become an enemy of the cult. It’s obvious that all members of the Republican party clearly understand what will happen if they challenge the Fuhrer.

What happened to the America we grew up in where opposing political parties were described as the LOYAL OPPOSITON? Yes, they have different solutions and different philosophical positions, but we are all Americans who want to defend and protect our Constitution.

That has been replaced in the Republican Party who no longer cares about protecting and defending the Constitution. They only care about protecting and defending their Supreme Leader, Comrade Trump, Vladimir’s best friend and ally in America.

It’s obvious to me that the dynamics of political differences in America has taken a terrifying turn towards FASCISM. Will we do what millions of good Germans did in 1933, which was to sit back and watch, believing that will never happen? We saw what happened in Germany, as Hitler almost destroyed the world. Learn from the mistakes of the good Germans who never believe what happened, could happen. Starting taking action, get involved! Yes, it is definitely happening in America!

My next blog article will go into the striking similarities of what is driving and motivating Trump Cult members. You will see how similar it was to the millions of Germans who dedicated their support to Hitler in the early 1930s.

If you also believe Americans are facing a threat of Fascism, and they must understand the dynamics of what is happening to our country,  please share this article with your friends and/or colleagues. We are in serious danger of losing our constitution and our democracy.

If you agree or disagree with what I wrote, please feel free to leave a comment. Remember, if Trump becomes America’s first dictator, you may no longer have the option of disagreeing. We could become another version of Germany in the 1930s, where everyone will be forced to click their heels and yell, Heil Trump!