Intelligent people realize how dangerous Donald Trump is to democracy and freedom. It is imperative for our country, and the global environment, to remove him from office. Therefore, the 2020 election will be the most important one of our lives. If Trump wins, his grasp on power will grow exponentially, and America could possibly transition into a dictatorship. It will also mean bigotry, racism, hate, fear, and ignorance will continue to divide America and degrade the values so many of us cherish.

In light of the above, the Democrats must do everything possible to ensure a Democrat wins the election. And we know what the strategy is, appeal to those who voted for Obama, but switched to Trump in 2016. They must also attract Independents like me, and those traditional Republicans who can’t stand Trump, but want somebody with centrist values.  Here’s the common sense translation. The Democrats have to win the Rust Belt swing states they lost like PA. Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio. In order to attract those blue collar voters and Independents, the Democrats must present them with someone who appeals to middle America. That means they must present blue collar workers with a mainstream candidate who understands them and supports/represents their value system. 

But if you watched the first 2 Democratic Primary debates, it was a horror show. That is, unless you’re a Trump supporter, then you were thrilled with what you saw and heard. Instead of attacking  a very vulnerable Trump on a wide array of issues, they instead went after Joe Biden and President Obama. Are you insane? If that wasn’t bad enough, they

  • spent a significant amount of time debating 40 year old school busing issues
  • told blue collar workers we’re going to take away the private health insurance which they worked so hard to obtain
  • Then, Bernie Sanders and company presented a plan to provide FREE, LIFETIME health insurance to illegal immigrants

If the Democratic candidates think the ridiculous approach outlined above will appeal to mainstream, middle America, they really are stupid. In addition, Bernie Sanders, and possibly Elizabeth Warren, must drop out of the race. Bernie’s candidacy is a major gift to Donald Trump and Republicans. Since Bernie’s ego is enormous, he will stay in the race. And when he doesn’t get the nomination, you can bet a significant number of Bernie supporters will do what they did in 2016, they will stay home.. And as we learned in 2016, every vote counts in the swing states. The Dems cannot afford to lose any votes in those crucial elections.

Although I like and admire Elizabeth Warren, she also needs to go. Then the rest of the candidates can and should concentrate on exposing the lies, bigotry, and illegal actions of Donald Trump. And while they’re attacking Trump, they need to present middle America with centrist polices which appeal to the majority of Americans.