On November 2, 2021 the Democrats lost the election for Governor of Virginia, which had symbolic importance across the country. The Virginia race was a national barometer, reflecting the current mindset of the American voter. It got worse for the Dems, even though they eventually eked out a win, the governor’s race in solid blue NJ was almost a virtual tie. In addition, the longtime Democratic lawmaker, Steve Sweeney, who was expected to run for Governor of NJ in four years, lost to a Republican who was a truck driver and spent only $153 on his campaign.

Here are some interesting results from Exit Polls. At least I think they are interesting.

  • White women with college degrees, voted overwhelmingly in favor of the Democrat [61%] while white women with no degree, voted heavily for the Republican [74%].
  • White men with no degree voted overwhelmingly for the Republican [78%], but in a surprise, white men with a college degree also voted for the Republican, 55% to 44%.

Anyone who is relatively intelligent, should realize those results are a big-time warning that America is unhappy with the performance of the Dems, who control the Senate, the House, and the Presidency. I always say the Dems mean well, but they are dumb. Please read the next paragraph for an example of sheer stupidity when Trump was President.

The Dems completely ignored the Mueller Report, which cited 10 examples of Trump obstructing justice. What were they thinking when they decided to disregard clear examples of Trump literally breaking the law, and instead impeached him on the basis of just one phone call? Unbelievable! Can people really be that dumb? If my argument doesn’t resonate with you, ask yourself how you would feel if the Republicans tried to impeach Biden on the basis of one phone call.

After nine months, the Democrats in power have no significant legislative achievements for the American people, but there’s hope on the horizon. There’s a rarity occurring in today’s political environment. We have a 1.4 Trillion Dollar bi-partisan Infrastructure Bill, which America desperately needs and President Biden has repeatedly tried to pass into law. Unfortunately, the so-called progressive wing of the Democratic party continues to block passage of that bi-partisan legislation. Why? Because they are holding this bill hostage until they can pass a massive, 3.1 TRILLION DOLLAR change everything in America bill.

Please don’t misunderstand me, there are lots of good things in their bill, but the progressives have no perspective, because it will never become law. It doesn’t matter how great you think a bill is, if you don’t have enough votes, it becomes unrealistic and foolish to continually pursue something which will not happen. In life, you rarely get everything you want, so one must opt for being practical. Significantly reduce the size of the bill and try to salvage the most important components. But whatever you decide, it’s imperative that you immediately end the hostage strategy and pass the 1.6 TRILLION bi-partisan infrastructure bill.

The progressive wing of the party should realize they must do something positive for America and the people who elected them. Passing that rare, bi-partisan infrastructure bill would have a big impact on our country. Equally important, it would become a huge legislative achievement for the Dems and President Biden, which they can promote. However, my guess is they are too dumb to realize this and/or they don’t care. But I would love to see them prove me wrong.

If I’m right, the Dems are presenting the Republicans with a gift. They are opening the door very wide for a return of Donald Trump and the Republicans controlling both the Senate and the House in 2022. Such a scenario should be terrifying for those who cherish democracy. Hopefully, the wanna be dictator, crime boss, and pathological liar, will wind up in prison before that happens. But get ready for his successor, who will almost certainly be far more intelligent than Trump.

UPDATE: On November 6th, the House passed a slimmed down, $1.2 TRILLION version of the bi-partisan Infrastructure Bill. Wow! This is great news for all Americans and President Biden.

The legislation will deliver $550 billion of new federal investments in America’s infrastructure over five years, including money for

  • roads, bridges, mass transit, rail, airports, ports and waterways.
  • The package includes a $65 billion investment in improving the nation’s broadband infrastructure, and
  • It invests tens of billions of dollars in improving the electric grid and water systems.
  • Another $7.5 billion would go to building a nationwide network of plug-in electric vehicle chargers