On December 11th, Trump told the country he would proudly shut down the federal government over his beloved border wall and he would not blame the Dems. However, Trump is never held accountable or responsible by his base for anything negative. The blame always goes to someone else. Therefore, the Fox propaganda Network kicked into high gear by creating a villain, and then demonizing that villain 24/7. In this case the villain was Nancy Pelosi, who went on vacation to Hawaii after the Congressional Christmas recess. Unfortunately, Trump’s low IQ base never thinks and/or analyzes what they’re told on Fox. If they did, they would realize how they were being manipulated. Let’s examine the dynamics of this crusade to blame Pelosi for the shutdown.

  • Pelosi, just like all members of Congress, was on vacation last week. Why do they single out only her? 
  • Pelosi, is a minority member of the House, which voted overwhelmingly to support Trump’s pay bill. 
  • Trump’s problem isn’t the House where Pelosi works, it’s the SENATE.
  • Trump told America he would PROUDLY shut down the government. 
  • Combine all of the above and Pelosi has no control over the govt. shutdown. It’s a result of one man, Donald Trump. 

For Americans living in the real world, it’s  Trump’s government shut down because of his silly wall. Oh by the way, Trump promised Mexico would pay 100% for the wall, as opposed to the American Taxpayer.