Trump’s campaign, transition team, inaugural committee, business, and his administration are under investigation by the Southern District of NY and/or the Mueller team. However, the Fox propaganda network has a very different perspective on the events of the past 2 years. They’re telling their viewers that the paragon of virtue and honesty, currently living in the White House, is a victim of a corrupt FBI and Justice Department who are trying to negate the 2016 election. This is their “Deep State” theory. Robert Mueller, who is a war hero and a man who dedicated his life to serving his country, is considered an enemy of America by those who subscribe to Fox propaganda.

Fox implies, or actually says, the wide array of people in Trump’s orbit who plead guilty and became convicted felons are also victims. If you listen to Fox, those who plead guilty didn’t do such voluntarily, they were tricked into their plea by a devious and tricky FBI. I wouldn’t be surprised if Fox will soon claim the corrupt FBI put a gun to their heads, forcing them to offer a plea of guilty by force In addition, Fox doesn’t see the criminal enterprise Trump runs as a problem for Americans. In Trump World, he’s never held accountable or responsible for anything negative. It’s never Trump’s fault, they always find someone else to blame. And that’s usually President Obama or Hillary, or in this case, it’s their belief in a corrupt Justice Department and FBI.

You will never see Fox call the President a pathological liar. Can you imagine that? In the year 2019, we have a President who tells one lie after another. He contradicts what he said yesterday, by saying the complete opposite today. This is almost as scary as their lack of criticism when Trump calls the press an enemy of the people. Every budding dictator knows the biggest stumbling block to doing away with democracy is eliminating a free press. Study the rise of Hitler in the 1930s and you’ll see an eerie resemblance to the rise of Trump. At his numerous rallies, Hitler would say, “Make Germany Great Again”. Instead of immigrants and Muslims being the scapegoats, it was the Jews and Communists. Hitler took over the free press, he replaced them with the Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels. Hitler than eliminated the police; in their place he installed storm troopers and the Gestapo.

Finally, Fox uses the Joseph Goebbels propaganda technique. They understand very well if you repeat something endlessly to their low IQ viewers, who never do research of their own, they will believe it. There are many examples, but start by examining illegal immigrants. Much of Trump’s base lives in rural America, where they will probably never meet nor have any contacts with illegal immigrants. Yet they incredibly believe immigrants are coming to invade their towns, take away their jobs, and become a burden on the taxpayer. The mere mention of the term illegal immigrant makes a Trump supporter’s blood pressure soar. Fox is a major threat to our American democracy.