The Fox Propaganda Network and Trump are constantly trying to blame incompetent Democrats for the problems Blue States have. However, they only focus on part of the picture and always leave out key information in their analysis. They also ignore statistical data reference Red States, who voted overwhelmingly in favor of Trump. That level of hypocrisy illustrates how propaganda effectively influences people. The technique is clever, this is how it works. They find something which is true, and focus solely on that, endlessly repeating that to their viewers. Meanwhile, they completely ignore other relevant data. Remember how this technique works as you read the article.

Before we get to the data/facts, let’s talk about some of the allegations coming from Fox/Trump World. They always say blue states pay the highest taxes and have the highest crime rates, implying leadership in those states are not serving their residents. The first statement is true, while the second one is true only if you look at the total number of crimes. The FBI uses a per capita analysis to compile their crime stats and their statistics reveal red states are extremely violent and dangerous. We’ll get back to the level of crime later, but let’s begin our examination of the facts/data with the following, which I believe illustrates the hypocrisy in Trump World. If one listens to Fox, they never stop berating people on welfare and you know who they mean. But let’s check the real data to see what we learn.

The top 5 states receiving federal welfare benefits are all Trump states.

  • West Virginia
  • Mississippi
  • Arkansas
  • Kentucky 
  • Alabama

West Virginia, where Trump had his 2nd largest voting victory, gets more money per person from federal government programs than any other state in the country, with more than a quarter of their income in the coming from federal benefits. After West Virginia, the rest of the top five recipients of federal benefits are: Mississippi, 24.0 percent; Arkansas, 22.8 percent; Kentucky, 22.4 percent; and Alabama, 21.8 percent. 

Residents of Washington, D.C., received the lowest percentage of government benefits, with only 11.7 percent of their total income coming from government programs. Do you think FOX will ever mention any of the above? I’m LOL. Of course not! They focus solely on the negatives in blue states, while totally ignoring the dysfunction occurring in the red states. That’s how propagandists operate.

The lists below show the top ten states with the lowest and highest levels of education. Let’s start with the 10 states which have the lowest levels of education. As we already know, a low level of education, translated into a higher margin of victory for Trump in 2016. In English, that means people who are not educated, voted for Trump at a significantly higher rate than educated people.
The 10 States with the Lowest Levels of Education

41 New Mexico
42 Oklahoma
43 Tennessee
44 Nevada
45 Kentucky
46 Alabama
47 Arkansas
48 Louisiana
49 West Virginia
50 Mississippi

The 10  States with the highest levels of education.

1 Massachusetts
2 Maryland
3 Connecticut
4 Vermont
5 Colorado
6 Virginia
7 New Hampshire
8 Minnesota
9 Washington
10 New Jersey

How many times have you heard someone say you get what you pay for? Blue states have the best schools, the highest levels of education, the best jobs, and the best cultural forums (art, theater, museums, etc.) Blue states have higher taxes because they invest heavily in their communities and we can see the results of those investments. They aren’t dependent on the federal government, and as many people pointed out, they actually help support many of the poorer red states.

As for crime, the blue states definitely have more homicides and other violent crimes than the red states. Here’s a relevant question for you, which Fox viewers seemingly cannot answer correctly. Where would you expect to find a greater volume of violent crimes and homicides? Would it be in the sparsely populated red states like Montana and Wyoming, where the nearest neighbor may be a mile from your home? Or, would you expect to find more total violent crimes in the big cities, where millions of people live on top of each other?

If you have any level of intelligence, the answer is obvious. But in Trump/Fox World, they try to push the story that crime rates are higher in the big cities because Democrats are in power. No, it has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with numbers and human behavior when living in a very crowded environment.

Let’s examine some other trivial forms of hypocrisy. When Obama was President, a supply crisis resulted in high prices of gasoline. In many states, the price was over $5 a gallon. I’m sure you won’t be surprised to learn that Fox and their viewers blamed Obama for the rise in prices. But a few months later, when the supply crisis was resolved, gasoline prices dropped below $3 per gallon. When the same people who blamed Obama for the high price of gas, were asked if he should get credit for the significant drop in prices, do you know what their response was? They said the President has no impact or control over the price of gasoline. Duh… Many who reside in Trump World do not understands logic. If you blamed Obama for soaring gasoline prices, why don’t you give him credit for falling prices? HYPOCRISY!

Let’s examine another trivial issue. When Obama was President, he played golf 4 or 5 times per year. Fox and their viewers constantly criticized him for not staying in the White House and doing his job. People who study presidential behavior, wrote articles stating Trump played golf 22% of the time he was President. That means he spent at least one out of every 5 days playing golf. Guess what? We never heard one word from Fox/Trump World. How do you spell hypocrisy?

Let’s take a quick look at one other area illustrating hypocrisy. Fox and Trump World frequently talked about Obama destroying the economy and stock market. At the same time, they praised Trump for stock market and job growth. Would you be surprised to learn this is more propaganda? Trump did OK with the stock market and job growth before Covid-19 arrived, but not great. Let’s examine how Obama handled the economy in his 8 years in office. As Trump and his supporters claimed, Obama did everything he could to make this country into a third world nation. Really?

The above helps explains why uninformed voters supported a despicable man like Donald Trump. His supporters live in an alternate reality, devoid of facts and the truth. If you want the truth, please read the following economic impact of the Obama Administration.

  • Along with GW Bush, President Obama saved GM and Chrysler.
  • Our nation’s banks, which were in grave danger, were also saved.
  • Multiple records were set for job growth over the course of his administration.
  • The unemployment rate was cut in half.
  • The stock market (the DOW) more than tripled in value during the Obama Administration.

I found the last point fascinating because Fox/Trump World always tried to portray Obama has a Socialist, who is opposed to capitalism and the free market. Yet the DOW tripled in value over the eight years of his administration and job growth set an array of records. Hmmmmmm……. not too shabby for a Socialist.

In conclusion, the level of hypocrisy is incredible in Trump World. When anything good happened, they gave credit to Trump, even when he played no part in the process. When something bad happened, they never held him accountable. One area where they are truly excellent, is coming up with a scapegoat every time something negative occurred.