Let’s start with a perspective on American culture. Our children are taught there’s Superman, Batman, Santa Claus, and something called God looking out for them. By the time we’re in our middle teens, at the latest, we realize the first three are cultural myths. But for a variety of reasons, the fourth cultural myth about the existence of something called God, remains ingrained in the mindset of most people. I’ve thought about the persistence of this cultural myth for a long time and I think it persists in part because

  • There’s intense pressure on all of us to believe in a God. After all, even our money says “In God We Trust”. Those who dare state there is no God are often mocked, verbally attacked, and/or ostracized. People don’t enjoy being ostracized or disliked. Atheists are one of the most disliked groups in America. Thankfully that’s changing with our younger generation.
  • I’m convinced another reason people want to believe in a God so badly is they can’t come to terms with the fact that it’s over after they die. People desperately want to believe there’s another life waiting for them and it will happen in some perfect fantasy world we call heaven. Talk about cultural myths and con jobs!
  • Of course, nobody ever met God and no one can tell us where heaven or hell is located. Over 50 years of satellites orbiting the earth has yet to uncover heaven.
  • What people perceive of as a God, is provided with the ultimate scam and it works virtually to perfectionOrganized religion has convinced billions of people anything which goes wrong on the planet is either man’s fault or the devil, while everything good is courtesy of God. Unbelievable! Despite allegedly having immense power, God is never held accountable for anything negative.

My next article will delve into my final point above. How or why does man’s vision of a God escape virtually 100% accountability for all the evil in the world?