Issues, Behavior, and Cultural Myths, Which Irritate Me

I’m guessing there are many aspects of life, and they are different for everyone, which irritates all of us, some more than others. I’m definitely in the “more than others” category. Here’s a partial list of issues, beliefs, or behavior, which irritates me. I’m guessing you will identify with some of them, and I’m confident some of you will not like several of my thoughts in this article. If you’re interested in my partial list, please continue reading. After you finish reading this article, if you want to send me to a deserted island, let me know. But I’m sorry, I do not believe in many of our absurd, cultural myths.

LOG OUT BUTTON: Many web developers think it’s cool to hide the log out button. Why? Logging out, especially on a bank site, is critical for your financial safety. Why do these idiots hide the log out button? It should be prominently displayed, so that everyone will see it.


Maybe it made sense back in 1983, but in the year 2023, there is absolutely no need to place parentheses around the area code, as is often required on website forms. Why do people continue to insist on doing this? I don’t get it.

GAS STATION PRICES: You will never see the price of gas listed simply as $3.98 per gallon. No, it will be $3.98 9/10. Why do we need that useless tenths category?

ALCOHOL: Why do most Americans associate having a good time with alcohol? Why can’t you go out and enjoy yourself without indulging in something I find unhealthy and unnecessary? Yes, I realize, that’s my issue, not your issue.

WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? Wherever I go, I’m a person who analyzes many aspects of an organization. I’m sorry, but I can’t help myself, that’s what I do instinctively. When I transition to a new company, a new job, or a new organization, I always see them doing things which make no sense to anyone, not even themselves. When I ask the question, this doesn’t make any sense, why are you continuing to do this, you know what the answer is. We’ve always done it this way. I hate that response.
I worked in the federal government for 25 years, and on several occasions, I wrote letters to upper management, showing them how we could accomplish our tasks more efficiently. If that wasn’t enough, I would also point out that it would actually save money. Even though many of the senior managers liked or agreed with my suggestions, guess what the usual response was.

TO BE PERFECTLY HONEST WITH YOU: Very often, I’m in an extended conversation with someone who suddenly prefaces their next statement by saying, “To Be Perfectly Honest With You”. When I hear that expression, my initial thought is, have you been lying to me all this time?

KNOCK on WOOD: Yes, in the 21st Century, people still preface their wishful comments by knocking on a table or something similar. Really? Why?

ADULTS DO THIS ALL THE TIME: When people are giving you a verbal list of several items, you will see them counting with their fingers. You’re no longer 7 years old, please stop doing that!

THE FOX PROPAGANDA NETWORK:  Millions of American incredibly believe the non-stop lies and propaganda coming from Fox is news. The Alternate Reality which Fox creates for their addicted viewers, is extremely dangerous for our democracy and our country.

THE CONCEPT of GOD, HEAVEN, HELL, and a DEVIL with a tail: When we were growing up, most of us believed in Santa Claus, Batman, and Superman. When we reached a certain age, we eventually figured out that Santa Claus, Batman, and Superman do not exist, they are CULTURAL MYTHS! For the rest of our lives, we may have a little chuckle when any of them are brought up in conversation, possibly wondering why or how you possibly believed in them as a little kid.

But for many reasons, which I will not get into in this article, millions of adult Americans, still believe the absurd cultural myths related to the concept of a God and associated issues. When I ask people where is your god, they look up in the sky. When I ask them where is hell and where does the devil live, they look down and say underground. I then ask, does the devil live under Bermuda, Hawaii, the North Pole, China, or somewhere else. I’m always met with a blank stare.

I then ask the big one, if your God is all-powerful, why doesn’t your god eliminate the devil? Once again, I rarely get an answer.

If they’re still talking to me, I usually ask them where is heaven? Once again, they look up in the sky and point in that direction. That’s very impressive reasoning!

I then ask them questions such as, how are people transported to heaven? Do they have bathrooms, supermarkets, food, McDonalds, Burger King, and roads in heaven? Do people live in single family homes, townhomes, or apartment buildings. Do women have wings? Is there a heaven for fish, lions, tigers, elephants, insects, horses, etc.? I never get an answer. By that time, they are no longer talking to me. How can people possibly believe this mumbo jumbo? In terms of heaven, I almost get it. I realize people never want to face the reality that after you die, it’s over. But please, the concept is absurd! After you die, it is in fact all over.  

JEWISH PEOPLE STILL BELIEVE in GOD: This one is mind boggling to me. I ask them where was your all-powerful God while the Nazis were killing over 6 MILLION JEWS over a period of several years. I never once heard an acceptable answer.

BLACK PEOPLE STILL BELIEVE in GOD: What was your all-powerful God doing while white Christians, many of them holding a bible in their hands, enslaved huge numbers of black people for a very long period of time.

CATHOLICS STILL BELIEVE in GOD: How many hundreds of Priests sexually abused or raped thousands of little boys or girls over the years? And you still believe in that religion?

FAMILY MEMBERS of CRIME VICTIMS: Family members of people who were kidnapped, raped, assaulted, or murdered, still pray to their God. Why? I ask them, where was your all-powerful God while your son, daughter, mother, or father was being kidnapped, raped, robbed, or murdered. Once again, I never heard an acceptable answer.

ATHLETES THANK GOD for their ACHIVEMENTS: I almost want to throw up when I see football players point up to the sky and say thank you after they score a touchdown. It’s the same with baseball players who hit a home run. Do you really believe there’s a god watching your game and rooting for you against your opponent? And that God has the power to intervene in the game on your behalf?

PRAYING: Do you believe there’s a god who understands numerous languages and simultaneously monitors almost 8 billion people?

I also ask them other questions such as, why do you have to get on your knees before you can pray? Why do you have to bow your head while talking to God? Why do you have to clasp your hands together? I have other questions I ask, but you get the idea. I never once received what I consider an intelligent reply. But very often, they walk away from me before I can ask those other questions. It’s literally mind boggling to me that people actually believe there’s a god listening to their prayers, even though several million other people might be praying at the same exact time. Where is that God? How does that God hear you? How does God hear millions of people praying simultaneously?

We currently live in the scientifically advanced 21st century, where we’ve been exploring outer space for over 60 years. Despite our numerous scientific advances, incredibly, people still believe these absurd, totally illogical, cultural myths. Yes, that’s the same mumbo jumbo which was pounded into them since they were three years old.

Hopefully, after reading this article, some of you will still talk to me.