On October 22, 2021, President Biden, just as Trump did during his administration, delayed the planned 2017 release of the remaining information on the Kennedy Assassination, still hidden in the National Archives. The new deadline for releasing the remaining records is now December, 2022. Biden blamed the latest delay on problems at the agency with Covid-19. Maybe that is a legitimate concern, but it once again raises the question of why and/or what is the government hiding from the American public.

President Biden said, “Some of the information regarding Kennedy’s death on Nov. 22, 1963, remained off limits to “protect against an identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or the conduct of foreign relations that is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in disclosure.” Hmmmm…….

JFK was killed on November 22, 1963. That was almost 60 years ago, and our government is still hiding assassination records. Let’s review a timeline of the investigation and the release of government records.

  • The Warren Commission Report, otherwise known as a “Rush to Judgment”, a report very few believed was credible, was released on September 27, 1964.
  • Here’s what really sparked interest in the assassination. The government decided to hide the Warren Commission filles until 2039. Are you serious? Everyone immediately asked why.
  • In 1976 The House Select Committee on Assassinations was commissioned to investigate the assassinations of President Kennedy and Martin Luther King. Their investigation stated there was probably a conspiracy to kill JFK
  • I’m not positive, but after Oliver Stone released his award-winning JFK film in 1991, a public outcry actually worked. The Assassination Disclosures Act, otherwise known as the JFK act of 1992, directed the release of those Warren Commission files to the American people.
  • October,1992: The House passed the JFK Act, which required the creation of an Assassination Records Review Board to review which records should be released. A deadline for the release of the records was given, 2017.
  • From 1994-1998: During these four years, millions of pages were released to the public, but then the ARRB was disbanded. Although a large cache of information was in fact released to the American public, much of it was redacted. Those redactions were allegedly set to expire in 2017, but I don’t believe that happened.
  • The JFK act passed 29 years ago, but the process hasn’t been completed. Almost 16,000 documents still haven’t been released to the American public. And much of the redactions, which were supposed to be removed, still exist. Any reasonable person should be asking why.
  • The CIA allegedly retains approximately 7 key records on the assassination.
  • Just as his predecessor, Donald Trump did during his administration, President Biden delayed the release of remaining records until December, 2022.

The above hopefully outlines what happened to the JFK investigation over the past 58 years and where it stands today. I must admit, like many people my age, I’ve always been fascinated by this highly flawed investigation. Now I’m going to explain why after all these years, I’m still interested in the case. Here we go.

Almost every reliable investigation proved that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin. There is no reliable evidence contradicting this conclusion, or even indicating, there was a second shooter on the grassy knoll.

But here are several key questions which have never been answered. This is why many people are clamoring for the release of the assassination records, which have been kept secret by our government for almost 60 years.

  • What was Oswald’s motive?
  • Did Oswald act on his own or was he hired to assassinate JFK?
  • What was Jack Ruby’s role?
  • Was Ruby a concerned citizen who angrily reacted to the assassination by killing Oswald?
  • Or, as many people believe, was Ruby acting on the behalf of organized crime members? That would be Florida Godfather Santos Trafficante Jr, who had a connection with Cuba, and New Orleans Godfather, Carlos Marcello. Many believe those two hired Oswald, and then ordered Ruby to silence him after the assassination.

I’m confident we will never know what really happened. But I would feel much better if the U.S. government would stop hiding almost 60-year-old files and release them to the American public.