Everyone has quirks and/or things which bother them, and possibly no one else. Here are some examples of issues, comments, or actions which get on my nerves.

  • You are standing online at the grocery store checkout and the lady in front of you is paying for her groceries with a paper check. Yes, in the 21st century, she’s using a paper check. But it gets worse. She waits until all of her groceries are rung up by the cashier. Then she opens her pocketbook and starts searching for her checkbook. And of course, she can’t find her driver’s license.
  • When you leave for work 15 minutes early, every traffic light is green and there’s hardly any traffic. But when you leave for work 15 minutes late, every traffic light is red, there’s a school bus in front of you, and/or a motor vehicle accident.
  • You’re working at home and the phone doesn’t ring for several hours. When does it ring? It rings as soon as you step into the shower.
  • People who drive 15 to 25 mph slower than the speed limit in the fast lane.
  • Dangerous people who ride your bumper on the highway. Tailgating will probably save them all of 2 seconds, but they still do it, endangering themselves and you. In my opinion, the majority of accidents on our highways are a result of tailgating.
  • What about those non-stop drug commercials on TV where they show people living a fabulous lifestyle, but only if they use the advertised drug. Do you listen to the caveats in those drug commercials? Use of this drug may result in strokes, heart attacks, and occasionally death. Are you going to use a drug with those potential side effects?
  • Adults on TV talking about a list of reasons, while counting them, using their fingers, as if they are still in the second grade.
  • Why do web designers, or others who create forms, place the area code portion of a phone number in parentheses?
  • Why do web designers make the log in button prominent, but hide the logout button behind an icon?
  • I hate it when someone is talking about something positive happening in their lives, then they say or actually KNOCK on WOOD. What? Do they really believe knocking on wood will continue their good fortune?
  • After talking with somebody for several minutes, they preface their next statement with, “To Be Perfectly Honest With You”. It makes me wonder if much of what they said up to that point in time was dishonest.
  • He was shot in Broad Daylight. Is that different from NARROW daylight?
  • She gave birth to a baby boy Thanks for clarifying, or else I would have thought it was an adult boy.
  • It was a gruesome murder. Really? Are there happy, friendly murders? They are all gruesome.
  • NBA players who repeatedly foul jump shooters, especially behind the 3-point line. They probably block one shot for every two hundred fouls they commit. Why don’t coaches take them out of the game for repeatedly committing those dumb fouls?
  • The never-ending commercials in an NFL game. The game itself is only 60 minutes, but it usually takes 3 hours plus to finish it because they have so many commercials.
  • NFL coaches or players who waste a valuable timeout over a possible 5-yard delay of game penalty in the third quarter, or early in the fourth quarter. Don’t you realize that timeout is much more valuable than a 5-yard delay of game penalty?
  • NCAA college basketball, where they stop the game after the first whistle at the 16, 12, 8, and 4 minute mark of the half, for a series of never ending commercials. It ruins the game.
  • What is your reaction when someone says, I saw it with my own eyes. Your own eyes? Really?
  • Instead of saying “First of All” or “Second of All”, why don’t you simply say, first or second?
  • It’s absolutely free, as opposed to just free?
  • I’m writing with an ink pen. Is there another kind of pen?
  • The rear taillight is malfunctioning. Thanks for letting us know the taillight is located in the rear of the vehicle.
  • Things which happen very often by accident, but you couldn’t duplicate it, no matter how hard you try. For example, I recently dropped a quarter on the kitchen floor. What happened? The quarter somehow rolled on it’s edge, right between the very narrow opening between the stove and refrigerator.
  • I waked onto a room with my gym bag on my shoulder and was stopped in my tracks. Why? Because the shoulder strap somehow became wrapped around the doorknob. I repeatedly tried to do that on purpose and never succeeded.
  • Here’s something a little different, which hopefully happens to everyone. You climb the stairs for a purpose, but when you reach the top step, you completely forgot why you came up the stairs.