Robert’s World View

Welcome to Robert’s view of the world where you can join a diverse group of intelligent people talking about a variety of interesting and controversial issues. We welcome your comments and hope you’ll find the content engaging and stimulating. Feel free to disagree with others, but please do such in a courteous manner.

Unlike most blogs, we don’t limit ourselves to one subject area. Robert’s World View covers an array of topics which are interesting and hopefully compelling. We purposefully play the role of provocateur to encourage you, the reader, to participate in a meaningful way. One day we might talk about hot button topics such as politics or religion, then we might shift to professional sports. The sky’s the limit because our world is vast and ever changing.


2020 Election Facts

2020 ELECTION FACTS Popular Vote: Biden had more than 81 million votes to Trump’s 74 million. Electoral College: Biden won 306 votes, while Trump won 232 Belief: Trump Cult members reside in an alternate reality where research, facts proof, and the truth do not exist....

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Trump: NYC Indictment

The NY Trump Indictment I’m writing this article on April 2nd so I have to start with a caveat, we don’t yet have all the facts. At this point in time, the indictment is sealed, so some of what I’m going to write below is speculation. My conclusions are based upon...

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RED vs. BLUE States

RED STATES versus BLUE STATES Right-wing propaganda experts repeatedly try to portray the Blue states as failed ones, and the red states as the best ones. Of course, that Is not supported by the facts. For the most part, Blue states generally have the best jobs, the...

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Do Your Own Research on Obamacare

Ignore Fox Propaganda, Do Your Own Research on Obamacare Today, intelligent people are used to non-stop propaganda and lies coming out of right-wing media. The volume and nature of their lies are literally mind boggling.  Unfortunately, millions of low IQ, Fox/Trump...

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