Robert’s World View

Welcome to Robert’s view of the world where you can join a diverse group of intelligent people talking about a variety of interesting and controversial issues. We welcome your comments and hope you’ll find the content engaging and stimulating. Feel free to disagree with others, but please do such in a courteous manner.

Unlike most blogs, we don’t limit ourselves to one subject area. Robert’s World View covers an array of topics which are interesting and hopefully compelling. We purposefully play the role of provocateur to encourage you, the reader, to participate in a meaningful way. One day we might talk about hot button topics such as politics or religion, then we might shift to professional sports. The sky’s the limit because our world is vast and ever changing.


People Refuse to Think

I spend a fair amount of time wondering how people could possibly be so dumb, that they often act counter to their own best interests or believe things which are totally absurd and defy logic. In addition, huge numbers of people believe anything which jives with their...

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Hypocrisy in Fox/Trump World

The Fox Propaganda Network and Trump are constantly trying to blame incompetent Democrats for the problems Blue States have. However, they only focus on part of the picture and always leave out key information in their analysis. They also ignore statistical data...

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Eating Healthy Is Overrated

Let me make several points very clear before we get into the heart of this article. I am not saying eating healthy is a bad thing, because it’s obvious that everyone should do such. But for many people, such as myself, that’s never going to happen. I want people to...

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America’s Insane Drug Laws

I was told that Einstein’s definition of insanity is repeating the same behavior over and over while expecting a different outcome. We’ve been repeatedly trying, for over a half century, to stem the tide of illegal drugs using the same failed approach. Yet we probably...

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Alcohol Damages Brain Cells (Gray Matter)

No Amount of Alcohol is Good For You Scientists have known for decades that drinking alcohol destroys brain cells (the gray matter used for thinking and logic). Here are the results of major study in the UK. Virtually all of the information below comes from the NPR...

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