Robert’s World View

Welcome to Robert’s view of the world where you can join a diverse group of intelligent people talking about a variety of interesting and controversial issues. We welcome your comments and hope you’ll find the content engaging and stimulating. Feel free to disagree with others, but please do such in a courteous manner.

Unlike most blogs, we don’t limit ourselves to one subject area. Robert’s World View covers an array of topics which are interesting and hopefully compelling. We purposefully play the role of provocateur to encourage you, the reader, to participate in a meaningful way. One day we might talk about hot button topics such as politics or religion, then we might shift to professional sports. The sky’s the limit because our world is vast and ever changing.


Trump Cult Members Are Facing a Dilemma

Trump’s Cult members across America are facing a major dilemma. For the past 5 months, Trump told them they should not wear masks and gave them several bogus reasons.  As a result, many of his cult members became vehement opponents of mask rules, some of them even...

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Gut Bacteria and Probiotics

60 Minutes went beyond their normal standards of excellence on June 28, 2020. Their report covered two related areas, the role played by trillions of bacteria in our gut and the process of adding probiotics to our food. First, they talked about the bacteria in your...

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You Believe In This God?

You Believe in this God? The incredibly hypocrisy and lack of logic in the world of religion is mind boggling. Remember, believers tell us God has such immense power that we can’t even begin to imagine how powerful God is. Please keep that in mind as I make some...

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Republican Party Shreds the Constitution

The impeachment process of Trump became a national disgrace after the articles of impeachment reached the Senate. After taking an oath of impartiality, both Moscow Mitch and Lindsey Graham proclaimed Trump would be exonerated long before the trial started. But if you...

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Is There A God?

Let’s start with a perspective on American culture. Our children are taught there’s Superman, Batman, Santa Claus, and something called God looking out for them. By the time we’re in our middle teens, at the latest, we realize the first three are cultural myths. But...

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Democratic Candidates Look Dumb

Intelligent people realize how dangerous Donald Trump is to democracy and freedom. It is imperative for our country, and the global environment, to remove him from office. Therefore, the 2020 election will be the most important one of our lives. If Trump wins, his...

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