These words are difficult to say, but Donald Trump is our new President. Hillary was a terrible candidate who never connected with the voters. I get that, but at least she was qualified for the office.

Our new President is in no specific order:

  • An egomaniac of epic proportions
  • A pathological liar, he wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked him in the face.
  • Trump would say ABC on Monday, DEF on Tuesday, and on Wednesday he would say GHI, while denying he ever said ABC or DEF earlier in the week. Then a reporter would say, we have you on video tape saying ABC and DEF. Trump will then deny it again while verbally attacking the reporter.
  • This may be his worst character trait, he’s never wrong. Trump will never admit he made a mistake about anything, it’s always someone else who was wrong or they’re attacking him.
  • The above means he has no respect for facts and the truth.
  • Trump believes every right-wing conspiracy theory
  • He portrays the national press as his enemy. Smart people understand Trump does this because he doesn’t want the truth about him exposed. He understands that If he vilifies the press, his supporters won’t listen when the press exposes Trump lies and devious actions. They will instead react by ignoring the storying while saying Trump was right, the press is out to get him.
  • He isn’t a very bright man and appears to be incapable of analyzing complex issues.
  • He’s a 70-year-old man who acts just like a high school bully. He will be the perfect role model for American Male high school bullies.
  • We know what he thinks of women. Our wives, girlfriends, and daughters should shudder at the thought of a Donald Trump Presidency.
  • He refused to release his tax returns and he repeatedly refused to provide specific answers to most of the questions about his vague policies. He did that when he was a candidate. Who knows what he’ll do in the office?
  • That means, Trump supporters elected a President but they don’t know what he’s going to do. They have no idea what his health care plan will be, his policy on illegal immigration, ISIS, etc.

Trump said the election was rigged and trashed the polls. Remember, that’s the same guy who at every one of his primary rallies, bragged that he was number one in the polls. But when he’s behind in a poll, suddenly they’re rigged.

In the end, we learned the polls were not rigged because he won the election. In addition, Trump never stopped whining about the press attacking him. What he didn’t tell his supporters is the press got him elected. You might ask how did the press get him elected. The answer is obvious to anyone who understood what was going on. From August 2015, until election day in November of 2016, Trump was headline news in the national media 24/7. I’ve never seen a candidate get so much free press coverage in my life. He was on the news all day and night 7 days a week, non-stop.

At the same time, the same national press brought up Hillary’s Email Scandal every day as if nothing else was happening in her campaign. That’s when I figured out Hillary was in big trouble. So instead of attacking main stream media, Trump should thank them.