I often talk about the alternate reality of Trump World where facts, logic, documentation, and the truth are irrelevant. Their inability to deal with reality and facts in a logical manner, seriously places our democracy in jeopardy. How scary is that? But it’s even worse than I imagined. They listen to FOX and an array of right-wing websites, which repeatedly push absurd information, such as conspiracy theories, which they readily believe. I don’t know if it’s stupidity, or if the false info simply jives with their personal beliefs about those who despise their hero, Donald Trump. I suspect it’s a combination of both.

Let me start with a caveat that millions of Trump voters are NOT part of an alternate reality. But in my opinion, a very significant majority definitely make up a cult where their hero can do nothing wrong. It’s no different than the Germans who worshipped Hitler in the 1930s. Yes, it can happen in America. Remember, just as Hitler did, Trump spent 4 years successfully imbedding the following thoughts into the minds of his supporters. The Free Press is an “Enemy of the People”, you cannot trust anything they say. That mindset has grave implications for our country.

You should always remember the Supreme Leader of a cult is never wrong. Members of the cult are not allowed to disagree with or criticize their Supreme Leader. When Trump tells his followers something, they do not require proof, documentation, or evidence. In addition, they perceive attacks on their leader as personal attacks against them. Hence, they readily believe the entire government, including the FBI is corrupt, and only Donald Trump stands between them and a corruption. Even though Trump surrounds himself with FELONS, they see nothing wrong with and it does not change their beliefs.

I read a summary of a recent study which revealed, the more Trump supporters are presented with evidence, or facts which contradict their beliefs and opinions, the more they cling to those beliefs and opinions. Hmmmm… very interesting, because those who live in the real world, repeatedly try to disprove those numerous lies perpetrated in their alternate reality by producing facts, evidence, or documentation. But they don’t understand that producing facts and documentation have no impact on the beliefs of Trump supporters.

For example, about 96% of Covid-19 hospital patients are not vaccinated and about 99.5% of those dying from Covid-19 are not vaccinated. Do those scientific facts have any impact on Trump Cult members? Obviously, they do not, I’m confident they perceive scientific data as Fake News. My research reveals Trump supporters believe his speeches, statements, and social media posts are the sole source of information they can trust. They believe the only person with the ability to lead our country back to the 1959 version of America they want, is Donald Trump.

They are people who believe they’re losing their country and their identity. They feel they’re being displaced by communities of color, by feminists and by immigrants. These people are motivated by what they see as an existential threat to their way of life, which is an attack on everything they believe in.

Researchers are constantly trying to analyze Trump’s loyal base via an array of factors. But I would stipulate this isn’t as difficult, or as complex as they try to portray it. Yes, we know people from a variety of economic backgrounds voted for Trump, but in my opinion, the primary determining factors are one’s level of education and race. Please read the following carefully and do not forget this.

  • Eighteen of the top twenty states with the highest levels of education voted for Biden.
  • Eighteen of the 20 states with the lowest levels of education voted for Trump.
  • There are some small exceptions, but Trump’s Republican Party is virtually an ALL-WHITE PARTY.

One doesn’t have to be a research analyst to understand that one’s level of education plays a huge role in their ability to ignore facts, documentation, and the truth. If you add racial identity to the equation, you will often find a Trump supporter. Their inability to understand logic and scientific methodology, places them in a position where they readily accept and believe conspiracy theories. They will not engage in independent research to verify what they are told by Fox, Trump, and/or right wing websites.

But there’s one other huge factor which is almost universally embedded in Trump supporters. Studies of conservatives reveal the FEAR Factor plays an important role in how they think. Thanks to Fox and right-wing media, they believe liberals and Democrats are a major threat to American Democracy. They steadfastly believe those two groups are trying to destroy much of what they perceive as American values. As a result, they have a strong hate and fear of people whom they classify as liberals and Democrats.

I’m going to post a list of comments, which I’ve read on more than one occasion, which comes from Trump supporters. I could create a never ending list you wouldn’t believe, but I think this small sample is more than enough. They are very easy to find as his support forums are everywhere.

  • Let’s start with the obvious. The majority of them believe, despite zero evidence, that Trump won the election.
  • God sent Donald Trump to save America
  • On January sixth, Nancy Pelosi stopped the National Guard from responding to the U.S. Capitol.
  • Many Trump supporters believe the January Sixth attack on the U.S. Capitol and the U.S. Capitol Police was a peaceful demonstration.
  • The Pelosi comment reminds me about the old, non-stop bogus Fox story that Hillary told the military to stand down after the Benghazi attack.
  • They refer to Covid-19 as the China virus, because in their world, Covid-19 is a plot by the Chinese government to attack America.
  • A significant number of his supporters believe the federal government is using the vaccine to imbed a micro chip in them. Unbelievable!
  • A significant number of Trump supporters believe the vaccine doesn’t work, is dangerous to their health, or is part of a plan to make Biden look good.
  • The federal government is waging a war against gun owners.
  • All investigations linking Trump to Russia are nothing more than a plot crafted by a Deep State and the FBI. We know they never read the Mueller Report.
  • Trump should have the power to overrule court decisions.
  • Obamacare is horrible, while Trump’s healthcare plan is fabulous. Of course, their preference isn’t impacted at all by the fact that Trump has no healthcare plan. Why would one allow a minor issue like that to get in the way?
  • The actually believe the numerous Republican “voter suppression laws” are just more stringent “Voter ID” laws. As a result, they don’t understand why many Americans are outraged by their party’s attack on the most precious right in a democracy, the right to vote.
  • They believe it is their duty to take their country back. This reminds me of the Tea Party theme when they were formed after the election of Obama in 2008. Their slogan was “Take Our Country Back”.
  • They are the MAGA crowd which believes everything their hero, Trump, does or doesn’t do, is part of making America Great Again.
  • One of Hitler’s themes was “Make Germany Great Again”.