America is in big trouble. We need two strong political parties which act as a counterbalance to the other. That would hopefully result in common sense compromises to solve problems and/or resolve issues. This is what the majority of Americans want from their representatives in Washington, DC. At this point in time, the Republican Party has numerous bigots, racists, people who are anti-science, and those who have no interest in facts or the truth. To compound matters, they are a Trump CULT, worshipping an egomaniac, a pathological liar, a criminal, and an imbecile. They will do everything Trump wants, even if it is suicidal for the party.

On the other side of the ledger are the Democrats, who mean well, but can’t think their way out of a paper bag. They come up with one dumb policy after another. They are the party which came up with the idiotic slogan to “Defund the Police”. Are you serious? They also impeached Trump over one phone call, while never utilizing the 10 accusations of Trump Obstructing Justice, provided by the Mueller Report. How stupid can one party be?

The other problem with the Democrats is their inability to come up with focused legislation, which deals directly with a specific issue. Unfortunately, they try to change the world with every bill they craft. A good example is the infrastructure bill, which America needs badly. Instead of concentrating solely on roads, bridges, rail, and the Internet, they threw in the “kitchen sink”. Guess what? They did it again with HR1, the bill they crafted to counter the Republican Party’s attempt to thwart democracy by imposing numerous voter restrictions.  The Republicans enacted a series of laws which did serious damage to voter rights. But the biggest threat to our democracy are their laws which give a state legislature the ability to overturn the results of an election. Every American should be terrified of that dangerous component of the Republican Party’s pathetic attempt to stay in power and thwart our democracy.

Back to the idiots in the Democratic Party. Instead of crafting a bill, with a laser like focus on the most important issue, they once again tried to change everything which is wrong in the world with their HR1 bill. They should instead focus primarily on blocking the ability of a state legislature to overturn an election.  Thank you Joe Manchin for voting against it.

Here are some of the idiotic components of the Democratic bill.

  • H.R 1 would prevent election officials from maintaining accurate voter lists and make it harder for them to determine if voters are registered in multiple jurisdictions. This increases the likelihood that voter rolls are outdated, inaccurate, or contain ineligible voters.
  • The bill would dramatically expand automatic voter registration People who never give their consent could be added to voter rolls. H.R. 1 goes so far as designating colleges as automatic voter registration agencies. Are they crazy?
  • The bill would prohibit some commonsense voter ID rules and allow convicted felons to vote.
  • It enables same day registration during early voting and on election day.
  • Provisional ballots cast outside a voter’s precinct must be counted. What are they thinking?

In sum, what the Democrats are doing with this proposed bill, is trying to take the voting process and verification protocols away from the states, thereby giving it to the federal government. I understand why they want to do that, but it’s a mistake. Even if it passes, which is unlikely, I’m confident the Supreme Court would vote it down. They should instead concentrate on a very focused bill, which doesn’t allow state legislatures to overturn an election, or in any way, prohibit citizens from registering and voting. They need to incorporate some commonsense oversight which most people will agree with, as well as the Supreme Court.