On Sunday July 21, 2024, Joe Biden made the right decision, he dropped out of the Presidential race. In light of that, the virtually all white, male dominated Republican Party, is almost in a state of shock. They were smug and complacent, because they knew they had the 2024 election locked up. There was virtually no chance that Biden could win the swing states, which control the stupid electoral college.

But that dynamic has suddenly changed. Instead of a feeble, 81-year-old man, who can barely walk or talk, he’s been replaced by a vibrant, young, former prosecutor.

In the next 2 days after the announcement, a virtually dry Democratic war chest received a staggering $91 Million in grass roots contributions. What is happening? A depressed and morbid Democratic organization, which essentially gave up on the 2024 election, was struck with a lightning bolt. They are excited and energized for the first time in this election cycle.

The initial theme from the Dems is a Prosecutor running against a Convicted Felon. I love it!

As mentioned above, it’s the Democrats who are excited for the first time in this election cycle. Now that the dynamics have totally changed, republicans are running scared. The Republicans knew they had the election won, but now they are in near panic mode. Trump, who is a total moron, claimed Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the race, proved the Democratic Party was a dictatorship. I’m sure anyone who understands logic, realizes Trump’s statemen was totally ludicrous. How could anyone with an IQ above 50 believe a decision by an old man to drop out of the race, is the equivalent of a dictatorship?

If that wasn’t bad enough, initial news reports state Republicans are planning a lawsuit, claiming the replacement of Biden with Kamala Harris, violates election laws. What? Put aside the insanity of that bogus legal claim, are the Republicans so stupid that they don’t realize the Democrats haven’t had their 2024 convention yet? I thought the primary purpose of the convention was to choose their candidate. This mild form of insanity indicates the Republicans are in a state of shock.

Think about it for a moment. Everything has changed, Trump is the old man in the race and he’s running against a woman almost 20 years younger than him. But he isn’t running against just any woman, she’s a young, vibrant, intelligent, black female.

Why does that matter? You can bet every penny you have, we will see one sexist, racist, attack after another from the virtually all-white, male dominated party. Unlike Joe Biden, I think Kamala will hopefully respond appropriately.


None us of know how Kamala will handle herself in a debate against Trump. We know he will be out of control, firing off non-stop insults and lies, as he always does. I’m somewhat confident that Kamala will hopefully make a fool out Trump on the national stage. After all, she’s at least 10X smarter than him, and unlike Biden, she’s a vibrant, young woman.

Remember what happened in the June 27 debate versus Biden, where Trump reportedly told 30 lies, and most of them were ignored by Biden? Here are two of the biggest lies Trump told in that debate.

  1. Nancy Pelosi refused to call in the National Guard on January 6..
  2. In several Democratic states, they kill babies after they are born.

Both of those statements are totally absurd. Pelosi was the Speaker of the House, she was not in charge of security. Even if she was, that’s irrelevant, because only the President can request the National Guard in DC.

As for Trump’s absurd killing babies claim, that would qualify as HOMICIDE! But none of his cult members ever hold him accountable or responsible for any of his idiotic statements or actions.

As I’ve stated many times, this is the election of our lifetime. It is literally one where preserving Democracy and our Constitution is being challenged by the largest and most dangerous cult since Hitler took power in the early 1930s. Americans have a choice, save Democracy or choose our first Dictatorship.

It’s only July 23rd, so it’s obviously way too early to make any predictions. But I must say, it is very comforting to know we at least have a competitive race.