President Elect Biden: 81,283,094  /  President Trump: 74,222,017

Joe Biden won a landslide election in both the popular vote and in the idiotic Electoral College. Biden had over 81 million votes while Trump had slightly more than 74 million votes. In the Electoral College, Biden has 306, while Trump has 232. Let’s temporarily ignore the KKK, Nazis, and White Nationalists who love Trump. When some moderate Trump supporters are asked why they voted for such a despicable human being, they go into super rationalization mode. He isn’t a very nice man, but …….. Hello! There is no but. If you don’t like the Dems, then don’t vote. But how can you vote for a man who is human trash and should have never been president of the United States? First, we’ll examine what kind of man Trump is and then we’ll look at his failed policies. Obviously one cannot completely separate these two, but we’ll make a mild effort at doing such.

  • Trump is the head of an ALL WHITE REPUBLICAN PARTY which thrives on bigotry, hate, fear, dividing America, and falling for every right wing conspiracy theory known to man.
  • Trump is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. This attribute by itself should disqualify him from the Presidency.
  • He’s been accused of SEXAUAL ASSAULT by 24 different women.
  • Trump surrounded himself with an array of CONVICTED FELONS whom he subsequently pardoned.
  • He repeatedly called the FREE PRESS “An Enemy of the People
  • He makes cabinet members swear loyalty to him instead of the Constitution.
  • Trump never makes America First, it’s always Trump First
  • He spent 4 years repeatedly attacking our elite law enforcement agency, the FBI
  • He turned the Justice Department into his political law firm
  • Trump was impeached for breaking the law. He had a Senate Trial where the prosecution (The Democrats) was not allowed to introduce evidence or call witnesses
  • Nobody in the Republican Party is allowed to disagree with him or criticize him
  • Trump has been Vladimir’s Puppet for the past 4 years
  • Trump admires dictators. He sent LOVE LETTERS to brutal North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un
  • Incredibly, Trump somehow convinced more than 74million Americans that he cares about them.  Trump doesn’t care about anyone except himself.

Now let’s examine his polices. I’m always bewildered when Trump supporters talk about what he’s done for our country when he’s been a horrible President.

  • Despite numerous promises, there was NO HEALTH CARE PLAN. That is the most important issue for many Americans.
  • Trump did nothing about Covid-19. While over 350,000 Americans died, he turned it into a political issue. Trump made the most important preventive measure, wearing masks, into a phony constitutional issue. Unfortunately, that resonated big time in Trump World.
  • Despite numerous promises, there was no INFRASTRUCTRUE UPGRADE
  • Trump signed the 3 largest budgets in U.S. History. What happened to smaller government?
  • Under Trump, our Budget Deficit set a record
  • Under Trump, our Trade Deficit set a record
  • Trump thoroughly alienated our NATO allies
  • Trump dropped out of the all important TPP, which was an economic powerhouse set up to counter the economic power of China
  • He started a trade war with China, which did serious damage to many of our farmers and all consumers. He implemented TARIFFS, which always fail. What happened to Free Trade and No Tariffs, which were basic core tenets of the Republican Party for decades?
  • Trump fanned the flames of racial injustice in America
  • As for Covid-19, Trump was a national disgrace. So far, over 350,000 Americans died and there are over 20 million Covid-19 cases. Here’s what Trump did for this national pandemic, while totally ignoring science.
    • The virus is a Democratic hoax
    • The virus is under “Tremendous Control”
    • Everything will return to normal by Easter Sunday
    • Inject BLEACH as a prevention measure for Covid-19
    • If you get the virus, take hydroxychloroquine
    • Instead of being a common sense, health & safety logical approach to the pandemic, Trump turned wearing a mask into a constitutional personal freedom issue
    • COVID-19 will disappear the day after the election