Donald Trump had an opportunity to do what normal American presidents do in a national crisis, and that is, bring the country together. The President is in a unique position where he/she can rally our people, get us unified so we can fight a battle against our enemy as one nation. That’s exactly what happened against the Nazis and Japanese in WW II. But true to form, Trump made the Corona Virus a political issue with him at the center. Are you surprised? In his small mind, Trump thought he could handle the crisis by making a series of unsubstantiated claims. In other words, ignore science in an attempt to make himself look good and pretend he had everything under control. But there was just one big problem, the virus wasn’t listening to him.

Remember when Trump made the following brilliant comment?

  • The virus is a Democratic Hoax
  • The virus is under “Tremendous Control”
  • Everything will return to normal by Easter Sunday
  • Drink bleach as a preventive measure for Covid-19
  • If you get the virus, take hydroxychloroquine.

If the above wasn’t bad enough, Trump compounded the problem by turning Covid-19 into a political issue, as opposed to a national health crisis. Trump, and then his political ally, Fox, manipulated the issue of social distancing and wearing masks. Instead of perceiving them as common-sense techniques to slow down the spread of the deadly virus, Trump and his allies turned them into phony constitutional issues. That’s right, the government has no right to make you wear a mask during pandemic or to prevent large groups of people from getting together.  As a result, millions of Americans who reside in the alternate reality of Trump World, defied the advice of scientists and doctors, making the crisis far worse than it needed to be.Trump didn’t stop there.

He sees his number one hope for re-election in the state of our economy. Therefore, instead of closing down major components of the economy as recommended by our health experts from the CDC, Trump encouraged governors to open up their states for normal business. We saw what happened. Instead of the spread of the virus slowing down, it intensified and set records in many states during early July.

Trump’s approval ratings for Covid-19 are horrendous, will Americans remember when election day arrives in November?