Trump’s Cult members across America are facing a major dilemma. For the past 5 months, Trump told them they should not wear masks and gave them several bogus reasons.  As a result, many of his cult members became vehement opponents of mask rules, some of them even became violent. Dr. Fauci received numerous death threats on himself, his wife, and his daughters. Large numbers of his supporters turned this from a safety to a constitutional issue. At Trump’s rallies, they were NOT wearing masks.

But now, their Supreme Leader has reversed himself and directed his base to start wearing masks.  Here’s their dilemma.

  • Will his cult members say you were wrong the past 5 months and criticize their Supreme Leader? Not likely, is it? I’m LOL.
  • Will they disobey their Supreme Leader and say I took a firm position against masks, claiming it’s a constitutional issue, and I’m not changing?
  • Or, will his loyal cult members obediently reverse their position on masks and become strong supporters of mask regulations and laws?

This is priceless for the millions of Trump Cult members who are in total denial. What will they do?