Trump has destroyed long time core philosophies of the Republican Party. Remember when they believed in?

  • Reducing the deficit and the debt
  • Free Trade / No Tariffs
  • Standing up to Russia
  • Supporting our NATO allies
  • Smaller Government
  • Supporting Law Enforcement (the FBI and Justice Department)
  • The Constitution

Trump has demolished all of the above and that’s why large numbers of former Republicans will be voting for Biden.

The Republican Party supports everything Trump says, does, or implements. Nobody will dare stand up to him. Even though we’ve seen some tepid criticism from Mitt Romney and Ben Sasse, that is very rare. Whatever Trump wants becomes the latest Republican policies/values until he changes his mind, which could be tomorrow.

The only thing one can count on in the ALL WHITE REPUBLICAN PARTY, is they depend on Hate, Fear, and non-stop Conspiracy Theories. Trump Cult members believe illegal immigrants are going to take away their jobs and move into their neighborhoods. They believe the only thing Democrats want to do is riot, loot, and raise your taxes. They do not understand the BLM movement, they were brainwashed into believing it’s a communist inspired movement.

They also believe every conspiracy theory known to man if it involves President Obama, Hillary, Joe Biden, or Democratic members of the Senate and House. They completely ignore Senators like Lindsey Graham and Cruz who trashed Trump during the primary campaigns as a pathological liar, but now they kiss his butt every day of the week.

Fox and Trump have also brainwashed Trump Cult members into believing LIBERALS are their arch enemy, as well as enemies of America. Does this sound familiar? That’s right, that’s exactly what HItler did in Germany during the 1930’s, blaming every problem Germany faced on the Jews.

Facts, the Truth, Thinking, Logic, and Analysis are not part of Trump World. That’s why millions of Trump Cult members believe wearing a mask during the Covid-19 Pandemic is a Constitutional Issue as opposed to a Safety protocol. And when Trump tells them Covid-19 is disappearing, they will not allow the real numbers of soaring cases and deaths interfere with what they believe.