Intelligent people know that 155 years after the Civil War ended, those who reside in Trump World are still fighting that battle in their minds. Many of their heroes are the Confederate Generals who were literally traitors to America. But in the 21st Century, both Fox and Trump are ramped up, fighting a new Civil War. This one is RED America versus BLUE America. We cannot blame Trump for creating this national divide, because it was there before he was elected. However, Trump is a president who has done everything in his power to exacerbate the divide and he’s been very successful. Both Trump and Fox are currently operating in War Mode. Trump see himself as the leader of Red America and he’s shown only disdain for everyone except his base.

In the 1930s, Hitler blamed every problem facing the German people on the Jews. In 2020, both Trump and Fox have replaced Jews with their new scapegoat, Liberals. They blame liberals for all the problems America is facing. Yes they hate immigrants and people of color, but liberals are at the top of their enemy list. Read just about any Trump World conspiracy theory and the author will almost always blame liberals for whatever issue they are whining about.

In this battle, Trump and Fox shoulder some of the blame for the rise of White Nationalists groups, many of whom are prepared to use violence. Militant Trump supporters are now going to demonstrations with the intent of injuring and/or shooting protesters. In Wisconsin, one of them murdered 2 protesters and wounded a third individual, using an assault rifle. It’s no secret that both the KKK and Nazis love Donald Trump, but it’s getting worse. The Southern Poverty Law Center conducted a recent study which claims a 55% rise in White Nationalist groups since Trump became President.

Our country is in big trouble and I believe it’s very important that Americans understand this national dynamic, which is dividing and endangering America.