The NY Trump Indictment

I’m writing this article on April 2nd so I have to start with a caveat, we don’t yet have all the facts. At this point in time, the indictment is sealed, so some of what I’m going to write below is speculation. My conclusions are based upon common sense, press reports, comments from former federal prosecutor and NYC D.A. Mark Pomerantz, and the fact that we know Trump is a thug and a criminal, who has no respect for the rule of law.

As we know, the press tends to focus on issues which they believe their audience is interested. How many Americans are interested in the nuances of corporate fraud law in New York? Therefore, we should not be surprised to learn that every press report focuses primarily on the Stormy Daniels hush money payments made by Trump’s attorney. They believe that will get the attention of their readers.

Right-Wing propaganda experts are trying to spin this indictment as the Stormy Daniels hush money incident, as in a case solely about a campaign financing violation. They are arguing that is not worth indicting a former president.

Hello! The Grand Jury in this case deliberated for at least 6 months! If this was primarily about hush money payments to Stormy Daniels, the Grand Jury could have made a decision about her case in 6 hours.

What does the time span tell us? It tells us this is a very complex, complicated case about felony corporate fraud law violations. That’s why this grand jury has been listening to evidence for more than 6 months. For me, that validates the press reports which indicate Trump has been charged with 30 or more counts of Corporate Fraud in NYC. It would probably take months to explain the nuances of corporate fraud laws to members of a Grand Jury.

That brings us to former D.A. Mark Pomerantz, who played a major role as a federal prosecutor in the conviction of Mafia kingpin John Gotti.

Pomerantz worked with former NYC District Attorney Vance, who retired and was replaced by Bragg. Pomerantz believed the team had overwhelming  evidence of corporate fraud, which merited filing numerous felony charges against Trump. But the newly elected district attorney, Alvin Bragg, wasn’t ready to proceed with an indictment, so Pomerantz and another senior attorney resigned. Their departures were headline news across America. Pomerantz wrote in his resignation letter that failing to bring a case of criminal fraud charges against Trump, was a grave failure of justice.

Listen to what he said about Trump and the investigation.

  • Pomerantz compares Trump to John Gotti, a mob boss who used every trick to avoid culpability and maintain one degree of deniability, while building a massive criminal enterprise.
  • Here is one example, illustrating how the Trump business operates. The Trump organization valued a Manhattan property at $527 million in one document for a bank loan. They then reported the value of that same property to the tax authorities as $16 million.
  • The above example of fraud is for only one property. Can you imagine the level of crime when all the Trump properties are accounted for?
  • Pomerantz argued there was so much evidence of financial fraud reference numerous felonies committed by Trump and his organization, that he should have been indicted 2 or 3 years ago.

Critical Point of this Article

If one believes Pomerantz, and I do, the right-wing propaganda experts have it backwards. Trump isn’t being prosecuted, as they claim, for political reasons. In reality, he actually received the benefit of a double standard in his favor, because he was Donald Trump, former President. In other words, Pomerantz argues that if it was anyone other than Trump, there is so much evidence of fraud, he would have been indicted a long time ago.

Republican Party Reaction

I thought the Republican Party took pride in being referred to as the party of Law & Order. Why does a political party, which allegedly respects Law & Order, attack the District Attorney, who enforces the law, and defends the criminal who committed numerous felonies? Members of Congress said they plan to investigate and go after the NYC District Attorney. Wow! If this was a plot in a Hollywood movie, you would probably think about walking out of the theater, because it is such a stupid movie.

Trump’s Other Major Legal Problems

I’m sure you know Trump may be indicted in Georgia for interfering with the 2020 Presidential election in that state. We don’t know for sure, but it appears as if another indictment is inevitable.

Federal Case against Trump

In my opinion, this is the big one. Trump stole hundreds of Top Secret / Classified documents and stored them in his private residence for 19 months. Who knows what he did with those documents? Did he sell them to China or Vladimir?

Please be aware of yet another double standard in favor of Trump. If a CIA employee stole hundreds of Top Secret Classified documents, they would have been arrested before the week was over. So far, nothing has happened to Trump. You get the idea, politics is protecting Trump, it is not the reason for pending indictments against him.

Unfortunately, in Trump World, many believe the FBI planted those documents in his Mara a Lago home. They also ignore the fact that Trump was given multiple opportunities to return the stolen documents, but refused to do such. If Trump would have complied with those requests, there would have been no need for an FBI raid on his private home.

So far, we’ve heard very little about the DOJ investigation, but I would be very surprised if serious charges aren’t filed. Of course, the horrible mishandling of Top Secret / Classified documents by President Biden, is seriously impacting the federal case against Trump.