During the Presidential campaign, Trump voters demonstrated some of the most extreme forms of hypocrisy I ever saw. They held Hillary to the highest standards possible, and that’s ok because she was running for President of the United States.  However, when it came to their boy Trump, standards went out the window. Trump was the first presidential candidate in approximately 40 years who refused to release his tax returns. He had a bogus excuse about this year’s return being audited. OK, let’s pretend that was a valid reason, then why didn’t he release previous years returns as Hillary did? Can you imagine the outrage from Trump voters if Hilary refused to release her tax returns? We would be hearing comments such as she’s a crook, what is she hiding, and this proves how dishonest she is. But Trump gets a free pass as his voters proclaimed tax returns don’t tell us anything. Really? Than why was Trump afraid to release his?

On many other issues, Trump was never pressed nor held accountable by his supporters. He refused to explain how he would replace Obamacare, he couldn’t explain how or why Mexico would pay for his bogus wall on the southern border, he couldn’t explain how he would eliminate ISIS, he wasn’t forced to prove his absurd allegation that President Obama was an original founder of ISIS. Trump instead proclaimed he knew more than our generals. He was never asked to prove that President Obama wasn’t born in the United States, he was never asked to explain how he was going to export 11 million illegal immigrants, and he was never asked to explain how Hillary was going to abolish the 2nd amendment and take away everybody’s guns. Of course you and I know a president doesn’t have the authority to abolish amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

Do you remember how many times Trump voters and Trump chastised President Obama for issuing Executive Orders to meet his agenda? By the way, Obama issued far less orders than G.W. Bush. Trump’s been in office a little less than 2 weeks and he’s issued an array of Executive Orders. Trump supporters who are ecstatic over all of them. Aren’t they the same voters who vehemently protested President Obama issuing Executive Orders to advance his agenda? They said Obama was circumventing the Constitution and breaking the law by writing Executive Orders.Trump Double Standards are impossible to accept. But why do people engage in this type of activity? I think it’s fascinating that a Trump voter can take diametrically opposed positions on the same issue and never realize nor admit the level of their hypocrisy. What does that tell you about a Trump voter?