I know many of you are probably thinking I’m generalizing about a large group of people and I’m being too harsh. Please keep reading before you jump all over me. Trump supporters apparently live in an alternate reality, devoid of facts and accurate information. Check out of some of their beliefs.

  • Many surveys reveal almost 2/3 of Trump supporters believe President Obama was born in Kenya.
  • Almost 40% of Trump voters believe the value of the stock market went down during the 8 years of the Obama administration (It more than tripled)
  • 2/3 (67%) of Trump voters believe the unemployment rate rose during the Obama administration while we know it went down significantly.
  • Surveys reveal the majority of Trump supporters approve of the Affordable Care Act but disapprove of Obamacare. Please don’t tell them they are one and the same.

If you watched Trump’s campaign rallies, he always brought up the TPP and the crowd roared with loud rounds of booing. Hello! I would bet every dollar I have that 95% or more of Trump supporters don’t even know what the TPP is, let alone how it would impact their lives. During those same campaign rallies, Trump told his supporters Hillary wanted to take away their guns, and if elected, she would abolish the 2nd Amendment. Both statements are false, but the second one is pertinent to my argument. Trump voters are too dumb to understand that a President cannot abolish an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Although he eventually changed his message, Trump repeatedly told his supporters he was going to expel 11 million illegal immigrants and the crowd would cheer. How in the world could anyone possibly believe such a lie? If Trump tried to implement this program, it would tie up the federal court system for more than a decade, cost countless billions of dollars, and would almost certainly be a complete failure.

Of course, we remember Trump’s favorite lie his supporters believed. He’s going to build a 22-billion-dollar plus wall on the Mexican border and Mexico would pay for it. Are you laughing, because I am. By the way, Trump supporters don’t know the following two facts.

  • Almost half of all illegal immigrants currently in our country came here legally and overstayed their visas. Obviously a wall won’t change that.
  • Per the FBI, most terrorists don’t come in via Mexico, they come across the Canadian border.