Trump World makes up the biggest CULT of our lifetime. His members are dedicated to their Supreme Leader, which means they defend everything he says or does, and I mean everything. The Supreme Leader is never wrong.  Their number one job is protecting and/or defending their leader. Everything he says or does is right, and anyone who disagrees with their leader, criticizes him, or investigates Trump, becomes the arch enemy of the cult. They will then begin a process of systematic attacks on anyone who does the above.

Trump has made one mistake after another with Covid-19. He claimed the virus was “Under Tremendous Control”, he said everything would return to normal by Easter, he recommended people swallow bleach, and then advised those with the virus to take hydroxychloroquine, despite all the medical evidence proving that was hazardous to one’s health. Even after all of those grievous errors/mistakes on the part of Trump, in his cult, he never made a single mistake. That brings us to the subject of masks in Florida.

Florida was on the national news this week because a large group of angry, vocal residents were yelling and screaming at the Palm Beach County Council,  which was preparing to make masks mandatory whenever a resident is inside a facility open to the public. People in Trump World live in an alternate reality bubble, where the truth and facts are irrelevant. They eat up one conspiracy story and lie after another from the Fox Propaganda Network. The latest right-wing propaganda circulating throughout Trump’s Cult is the bizarre idea that requiring the wearing of a mask isn’t a safety issue in the middle of a pandemic, it’s a violation of your constitutional rights. Since Trump never wears a mask, his cult members must insist upon doing the same. The people protesting the new law in Palm Beach County, FL are Trump Lovers. They see everything which happens from the perspective of how it impacts their Supreme Leader. And if Trump is telling them they shouldn’t wear masks, then who does the Palm Beach County government think they are?

Incredibly, they were also convinced by right wing propaganda that wearing a mask is hazardous to your health. Are they serious? All the doctors and nurses in America’s hospitals, who were risking their lives by treating and taking care of Covid-19 patients, were wrong to wear masks? Trump World is telling them that is dangerous to their health. At the Palm Beach County council meeting, one woman was screaming at the doctor who recommended the mask rule, alleging he’s not a real doctor and should resign. Keep in mind, that woman is dumber than dirt, yet she was preaching pseudo-science to a physician, because she heard it on Fox.

Of course, this issue goes way beyond wearing a mask indoors during a national pandemic. It illustrates the terrifying reality that about 35-40% of America listens to Fox and Trump every day. That means facts, logic, and the truth are totally irrelevant. They are people who will believe anything which supports their heavily bigoted view of the world. America is facing its most dangerous crisis of our lifetime.  Our democracy cannot make it through another four years of Donald Trump. Make sure you vote this November and ensure that your friends, relatives, and family members make it to the polls. This effort should concentrate on young people who only vote in relatively small numbers.