Members of Trump’s low IQ base live in an alternate reality devoid of the truth and facts. In their world, both Fox and Trump repeatedly state the Mueller Investigation is a waste of time (a witch hunt). Of course they always believe everything both Trump and Fox tell them. One always hear them say Mueller hasn’t produced any evidence of collusion with Russia. By the way, collusion is not a federal crime, but conspiracy to commit whatever is a federal crime.

For those people who aren’t swayed by Fox propaganda and keep up with the multiple investigations, they know the Mueller Team hasn’t been working for over 15 months on nothing.

  • Multiple members of Trump’s campaign and administrative teams are, or will soon be, convicted felons.
  • Most of Trump’s cabinet members tried, but couldn’t work with the dishonest imbecile in the White House
  • Trump’s personal attorney’s admitted to an array of illegal activities while representing Trump
  • Trump obviously obstructed justice when he fired Comey and talked about it on national television

In order to believe the theory promulgated by Fox and Trump, one would have to believe one or both of the following highly unlikely scenarios.

  1. Even though Trump hired an array of convicted felons in his administration and campaign, he was the only individual in that group who was honest. 
  2. Despite running a criminal enterprise before entering the White House, Trump suddenly decided to become an honest person. This 2nd one has me LOL.

Finally, one has to always ask themselves why almost everyone in the Comrade Trump Administration LIED about their contacts with Russians.