CULT BEHAVIOR: Understanding the Dynamics Underlying the Massive Support Trump has for becoming the Republican Presidential Candidate in the 2024 ELECTION

It is July 31, 2023 and Donald Trump is all alone, as the front runner to become the Republican Presidential Candidate in the 2024 election. Nobody is even close to him in the polls.

This seems to surprise and almost shock many reporters who don’t understand the dynamics of what’s happening. In their minds, they are wondering why millions of Americans are dedicated to supporting someone as our next President, who is a proven loser, and is facing the following criminal charges.

  • In NY, Trump was charged with 34 Corporate Fraud Felony Counts
  • In GA, it’s almost a given, he will be charged with attempting to illegally change the outcome of the Presidential election.
  • The federal government hit Trump with 41 Felony charges related to stealing hundreds of Top Secret-Classified Documents. He was repeatedly asked over a 19-month time frame to return them to the government, and each time, Trump refused. Many people consider Trump a Traitor, and as someone who’s endangering U.S. National Security.

In order to understand the dynamics above, one must understand and acknowledge that Trump World makes up the largest cult since Hitler took power in Germany in the 1930s.

Many people are stunned by the massive support for Trump in the Republican Party. However, if you understand cult behavior, all of the above makes perfect sense. I’ve studied cult behavior since Jim Jones convinced most of his followers to commit suicide in Guyana back in 1978.

There was another significant mass suicide, which didn’t get as much publicity as Jim Jones, but I think it’s even more important. Why? Because it illustrates how even educated people can become brainwashed and morph into a member of a cult. What am I referring to? I’m talking about the 1997 Applewhite, Heaven’s Gate mass suicide in California, where 39 people killed themselves. It was the largest known mass suicide on American soil. Why did those people, many of whom were well educated, participate in a mass suicide?

Applewhite convinced 38 other people to wear Nike sneakers and commit suicide on March 23, 1997. He told them there was an alien spaceship hiding behind the Hale-Bop comet. If they wore Nike sneakers and committed mass suicide together, the aliens would come down to the planet earth, and transport them up to their spaceship, hiding behind the comet.

How could anyone possibly believe Applewhite’s incredibly absurd story? How could aliens know what Nike Sneakers are? Obviously, the cult members weren’t utilizing logic. They instead automatically believed whatever the Supreme Leader told them. How could anyone support a crime boss, a criminal, and a traitor for President? Remember, facts and logic are totally irrelevant in a cult. If the Supreme Leader tells you something, it’s true!

It makes perfect sense if you understand cult behavior. Here are the characteristics of cult behavior. Please be advised, in order to understand why or how people act in the following manner, you must suspend your ability to think and use logic

It’s very important to understand that LOGIC is totally suspended inside of a cult.


  • The cult has a Supreme Leader
  • The job of all members is to always protect and defend their Supreme Leader.
  • The Supreme Leader is always right.
  • Nobody is allowed to question, criticize, or challenge the Supreme Leader. [Note: Think of Liz Cheney. She had the most conservative voting record in Congress, yet she was demonized and ostracized by the Republican party because she placed Democracy and our Constitution ahead of Donald Trump. How dare she criticize or disagree with our Supreme Leader?]
  • Members have no idea they are part of a cult and will vehemently and vigorously go after anyone who accuses them of being a cult member. They are literally clueless!
  • If anyone attacks or goes after the Supreme Leader, they automatically become an ENEMY of the CULT.
  • Here’s a very important point. If the Supreme Leader is under attack, that never makes cult members question their Leader. It has the opposite effect, it intensifies and strengthens their blind, loyal support for the leader.

Those last two points above explain why, despite being charged with numerous felony criminal counts, and being a threat to national security, support for Trump has become even stronger in much of the Republican Party. Normal people see a man who’s been accused of numerous criminal charges and possibly being a traitor and a threat to U.S. National Security. As a result, normal people become outraged. But the perspective of cult members is very different.

Remember, in a cult, the Supreme Leader is always right, and you must believe everything he says, protect and defend him, and finally, support everything he does. As a result, cult members see a world where evidence and proof documented by law enforcement means nothing. In their world, the Justice Department and the FBI are totally corrupt, while Trump is a symbol of honesty and integrity.

As true cult members, they perceive the massive amount of evidence produced by the New York DA and the Justice Department as FAKE NEWS, coming out of the Left-Wing Liberal media. Their perception of what’s happening is essentially the “Deep State” theory, where the government will do anything to suppress their Supreme Leader.

  • Cult behavior also explains why almost 2/3 of Republicans, despite zero evidence, incredibly believes Trump won the 2020 election. No matter how many recounts, both manual and by computer, confirmed Biden’s win, they consider all those facts as “Fake News”.  If Trump tells them he won the 2020 election, the automatically believe it.
  • We recently learned in the Dominion Voting Machines lawsuit, that even if someone tried to change a vote cast for Biden, over to Trump, it was impossible. Facts like that are totally ignored by cult members.
  • Jack Smith, the Special Counsel, investigating Trump, is one of the ultimate enemies of the Cult. Why? Because he has no right to investigate the Supreme Leader of a cult. As a result, Jack Smith is now the recipient of many death threats. 

If you aren’t terrified by the above, you should be. I never thought what happened in Germany during the 1930s could happen in America, but I was dead wrong!