The bulk of Trump’s support comes from uneducated people living in rural counties across America, plus many blue-collar workers. He also has a significant number of professionals [primarily men], who support him. But no matter what part of society they come from, Trump supporters have one thing in common. They all watch Fox and incredibly believe it is a news network.

I read an interesting comment today from Arkansas State Attorney General Leslie Rutledge, who is campaigning for Lieutenant Governor of the state. Ms. Rutledge reportedly said, “At this crossroads in our country’s history, now is the time for Christian conservative leaders to unite and fight together against those who wish to destroy the America we know and love.”

Please take her words seriously because she nailed the primary goal of Fox. Just as Hitler blamed the Jews for destroying the Germany they all knew and love, Fox is always blaming Liberals and Democrats for destroying American values and our Christian culture.

Why should you care? Because Fox has transformed Liberals and Democrats from the loyal opposition, who merely have a different political philosophy, into the ENEMY. If someone is the ENEMY of America, that justifies the use of violence against them. We saw that on January sixth, when Trump supporters violently attacked the symbol of American Democracy, the U.S. Capitol.  There is no doubt in my mind that every one of those people felt their actions were justified because they were defending America against Liberals and Democrats, who were America’s enemy.

You saw what happened to Jews in Germany and something similar is starting to happen here in America. Ted Cruz recently threatened that the state of Texas might secede from the United States and take over the military in that state.

An Arizona Republican Congressman recently posted of a photoshopped anime video showing him appearing to kill Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and attacking President Joe Biden. Before Trump, that would have been unheard of in our country.

There was a criminal trial in Wisconsin where a teenage boy killed 2 demonstrators and seriously wounded another man. I’m very confident that he perceived those people as BLM members, therefore, in his mind they were enemies of America, so his actions were justified.

Fox utilizes the technique they learned from the Nazi Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels. He taught them, if you repeat a LIE enough times, people will believe it. Fox has become an expert at this type of propaganda. The perfect example is the big LIE about the 2020 election being stolen from Trump. Despite ZERO EVIDENCE and Trump’s attorneys losing all 62 court cases, many of them presided over by Trump appointed judges, because they never produced one iota of election fraud, the majority of Fox viewers incredibly believe Trump won the election. 

Unlike networks with journalistic standards, Fox doesn’t present news, it pushes propaganda onto its low IQ viewers. You can easily recognize a Fox viewer because almost all of them are obsessed with CRT, WRT, AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Hunter Biden’s Laptop, and of course, the border.

Fox is the greatest threat facing our country. If you love America and cherish our values and democracy, you really need to take this threat seriously. If Trump and his supporters succeed in taking over the Presidency, and/or the House and Senate again, the America we grew up in, will disappear.