Why Is Trump World Attacking the Covid-19 Vaccine?

If you haven’t noticed, right wing propaganda experts recently crafted an array of attacks directed at the safety and effectiveness of our Covid-19 vaccine. They are claiming the vaccine is ineffective and/or dangerous. Florida governor Ron DeSantis, actually started an investigation of the vaccine. Yes, you read that correctly, he’s investigating the vaccine.

Why are they doing this? In order to understand their motivation, you must understand two concepts. They are:

  • Trump supporters make up the largest cult since Hitler took power in Germany during the 1930s.
  • The primary roles of cult members.

In a cult,

  • Facts, Proof, Science, and Logic are totally irrelevant.
  • The Supreme Leader is always right.
  • Nobody is allowed to criticize or disagree with the Supreme Leader.
  • If anything good happens, they give credit to their leader.
  • If anything bad happens, it’s never the fault or responsibility of their Supreme Leader. They always make up excuses and/or find a scapegoat to blame for whatever went wrong.
  • The primary job of cult members is to protect and defend their Supreme Leader.

When Trump was President, over a quarter million of his supporters, probably many more, died as a result of Covid-19. Most of them died for two reasons.

  1. They refused to wear masks
  2. They refused to get the Covid-19 vaccine.

Since cult members can never hold their leader accountable or responsible for anything negative, they must now create an array of excuses or reasons which will absolve Trump of all blame or responsibility for so many deaths.

In this case, the new argument is, Trump was right when he refused to direct his supporters to wear masks and follow the science, by getting vaccinated. He was right because the vaccine was ineffective and/or dangerous. You are almost certainly going to come across these bogus allegations in the near future.

Let’s start with the claim the vaccine is dangerous. Here’s the response from the CDC on this allegation.

MYTH: The ingredients in COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous.

  • FACT: Nearly all the ingredients in Covid-19 vaccines are the same ingredients found in many foods, fats, sugars, and salts.
  • Exact vaccine ingredients vary by manufacturer. Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines also contain messenger RNA (mRNA) and the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen COVID-19 vaccine contains a harmless version of a virus unrelated to the virus that causes COVID-19.
  • The Novavax COVID-19 vaccine includes harmless pieces (proteins) of the virus that causes COVID-19; they are pieces of what is often called the “spike protein.” These give instructions to cells in your body to create an immune response. This response helps protect you from getting sick with COVID-19 in the future. After the body produces an immune response, it discards all the vaccine ingredients just as it would discard any information that cells no longer need. This process is a part of normal body functioning.
  • COVID-19 vaccines do NOT contain ingredients like preservatives, tissues (like aborted fetal cells), antibiotics, food proteins, medicines, latex, or metals

Next, let’s move onto the claim the vaccine is ineffective or doesn’t work.

Red and Blue states had a similar death rate during the winters of 2020 and 2021. “However, in the summer of 2021, after vaccines because widely available, the Republican death rate rose to nearly double that of Democrats, and this gap widened further in the winter of 2021.

The death rates in blue states, where covid-19 vaccination rates are much higher, significantly declined after vaccines were made available.

In order to understand the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine, you should understand the following. Before the Covid-19 vaccine became available, the death rate in both Blue and Red states was almost identical. However, that changed big time after the drug companies had their vaccines approved by the FDA.

If you have any doubts, please research the death rates in red states versus blue states. Depending upon what studies you find, the death rate ranged from somewhere between 50-75% higher in RED states, versus BLUE states. You don’t need to know anything else to understand how critical the Covid-19 vaccine was in saving lives.

Check this out: The five states with the highest per capita death rates are all RED states: Oklahoma, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, and West Virginia.

Here’s some additional information from other studies. As of August 2022, the risk of dying from COVID-19 among unvaccinated adults, compared with adults who received only a primary series of vaccinations, was 9 times higher for adults aged 65–79 years and 4 times higher for adults aged greater than 80 years.

A similar pattern was observed among younger adult age groups in August 2022. Compared with adults who received a primary series in the same age group, the risk of dying from COVID-19 among unvaccinated adults was 3 times higher for adults aged 18–29 years, 5 times higher for adults aged 30–49 years, and 6 times higher for adults aged 50–64 years.

Additional booster doses provide added protection.

In August 2022, adults greater than 50 years with at least 2 booster doses had 3 times lower risk of dying from COVID-19 than adults of the same age with one booster dose.

Despite the above CDC statistics, it became a badge of honor in Trump World to mock the disease and the Covid vaccine. In addition, there were bogus conspiracy theories about the vaccine. It’s very hard to comprehend, but many Trump supporters actually believe one or more of these conspiracy theories. Here are some of the Covid-19 vaccine conspiracy theories.

  • The government is using the vaccine to imbed a computer chip in your body, so they can track you.
  • The vaccine doesn’t work
  • The vaccine rewrites your DNA
  • The vaccine makes you magnetic
  • The vaccine makes you infertile
  • The vaccine will make you gay

It’s important to understand that cult members will obey all directives from their Supreme Leader. Therefore, when he was President, if Trump had repeatedly told his supporters to wear masks and get vaccinated, they would have obeyed him.  That would have probably saved close to a quarter million lives, maybe more.