You Believe in this God?

The incredibly hypocrisy and lack of logic in the world of religion is mind boggling. Remember, believers tell us God has such immense power that we can’t even begin to imagine how powerful God is. Please keep that in mind as I make some comments which prove, if there is a God, you should never place any trust or faith in that deity.

  • How can any Jewish person believe in God?
  • How can black people believe in God?
  • How can Catholics believe in their God?

What was this all-powerful God doing while more than 6 million Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis during WW II? What was this all-powerful God doing when thousands of black people became slaves of people who were allegedly God fearing? You know those slave owners had their bibles out on Sunday at their church services while enslaving other human beings and killing native Americans.

And Catholics? You believe in God as hundreds or thousands of priests around the world sexually assaulted young boys while your God did nothing. Why does your all-powerful God allow that?  Is that the kind of God you want to worship?

Every day in America, young girls are kidnapped, sexually assaulted, murdered, and brutalized by psychopaths. What do the families of these young girls do when they learn their daughter or sister was kidnapped? That’s right, they pray to God for her safe return. Really? Where was your all powerful God when she was kidnapped, sexually abused, and her body mutilated by the psychopath?  After they find out the gruesome news of what actually happened to their daughters or sisters, they pray to that same God who did nothing while she was in the process of being brutalized. Then they say something in their prayers, such as we’ll be together again in heaven? Really? Where is this place you call heaven?

The above are examples of the incredible hypocrisy and total lack of logic in the world of religion. It even shows up in what we normally perceive as harmless events.  When a player scores a touchdown, he often looks up in the sky (where else would God be located?) and expresses his thanks. Are you kidding? You’re telling me there’s an immense power called God, with all the major events going on in the world, God is watching a football game, using that immense power to ensure you and/or your team wins? Unbelievable!

Americans believe God has incredible power, but they never hold God accountable for the never ending horrible things which happen in our world. Oh no! They blame something called the devil or man.  You’re telling me that man and the devil have more power than God? In sum, God has the perfect scam going. God receives the credit for everything good that happens on our planet, but is never held accountable for the never ending negatives which destroy or end our lives. And you want to believe in a God who doesn’t use that immense power for good?